Server Exceptions do not supply the originating server when thrown. In order to fulfill the new requirement on DRIVERS-2170 and PYTHON-4017, Implement an extension to _format_detailed_error for all located server exceptions and ensure the originating server address is provided.
In the case where that information cannot be found, we can leave it as `None`.
How to find Server Exceptions – OperationFailure subclasses are the only ones we need to check for.
Definition of done
All aforementioned defined Server exceptions provide the originating server address when exception is thrown.
- OperationFailure is not an exhaustive enough classification
- Implementation costs could increase significantly when passing around the proper address for where we want to raise the exception.
- is duplicated by
MOTOR-1201 Errors on retryable ops should indicate originating server when possible
- Closed
PYTHON-4017 Errors on retryable ops should indicate originating server when possible
- Closed
- split from
DRIVERS-2170 Errors on retryable ops should indicate originating server when possible
- Implementing