test.asynchronous.test_encryption.TestEncryptedBulkWrite.test_upsert_uuid_standard_encrypt fails on 4.0:
[2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] FAILURE: pymongo.errors.ConfigurationError: Auto-encryption requires a minimum MongoDB version of 4.2 () [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] self = <test.asynchronous.test_encryption.TestEncryptedBulkWrite testMethod=test_upsert_uuid_standard_encrypt> [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] async def test_upsert_uuid_standard_encrypt(self): [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] opts = AutoEncryptionOpts(KMS_PROVIDERS, "keyvault.datakeys") [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] client = await async_rs_or_single_client(auto_encryption_opts=opts) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] self.addAsyncCleanup(client.aclose) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] options = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=UuidRepresentation.STANDARD) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] encrypted_coll = client.pymongo_test.test [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] coll = encrypted_coll.with_options(codec_options=options) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] uuids = [uuid.uuid4() for _ in range(3)] [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] > result = await coll.bulk_write( [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] [ [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] UpdateOne({"_id": uuids[0]}, {"$set": {"a": 0}}, upsert=True), [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] ReplaceOne({"a": 1}, {"_id": uuids[1]}, upsert=True), [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] # This is just here to make the counts right in all cases. [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] ReplaceOne({"_id": uuids[2]}, {"_id": uuids[2]}, upsert=True), [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] ] [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] ) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] test\asynchronous\test_encryption.py:385: [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\_csot.py:110: in csot_wrapper [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] return await func(self, *args, **kwargs) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\asynchronous\collection.py:769: in bulk_write [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] bulk_api_result = await blk.execute(write_concern, session, _Op.INSERT) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\asynchronous\bulk.py:742: in execute [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] return await self.execute_command(generator, write_concern, session, operation) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\asynchronous\bulk.py:597: in execute_command [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] _ = await client._retryable_write( [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\asynchronous\mongo_client.py:1877: in _retryable_write [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] return await self._retry_with_session(retryable, func, s, bulk, operation, operation_id) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\asynchronous\mongo_client.py:1763: in _retry_with_session [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] return await self._retry_internal( [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\_csot.py:110: in csot_wrapper [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] return await func(self, *args, **kwargs) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\asynchronous\mongo_client.py:1798: in _retry_internal [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] return await _ClientConnectionRetryable( [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\asynchronous\mongo_client.py:2539: in run [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] return await self._read() if self._is_read else await self._write() [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\asynchronous\mongo_client.py:2648: in _write [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] async with self._client._checkout(self._server, self._session) as conn: [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] C:\python\Python310\lib\contextlib.py:199: in __aenter__ [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] return await anext(self.gen) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] self = AsyncMongoClient(host=['localhost:27017'], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True, tls=True, tlscertificate... replicaset='repl0', auto_encryption_opts=<pymongo.encryption_options.AutoEncryptionOpts object at 0x000001EFFED480A0>) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] server = <Server <ServerDescription ('localhost', 27017) server_type: Unknown, rtt: None>> [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] session = <pymongo.asynchronous.client_session.AsyncClientSession object at 0x000001EFFED4B3D0> [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] @contextlib.asynccontextmanager [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] async def _checkout( [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] self, server: Server, session: Optional[AsyncClientSession] [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] ) -> AsyncGenerator[AsyncConnection, None]: [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] in_txn = session and session.in_transaction [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] async with _MongoClientErrorHandler(self, server, session) as err_handler: [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] # Reuse the pinned connection, if it exists. [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] if in_txn and session and session._pinned_connection: [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] err_handler.contribute_socket(session._pinned_connection) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] yield session._pinned_connection [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] return [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] async with await server.checkout(handler=err_handler) as conn: [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] # Pin this session to the selected server or connection. [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] if ( [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] in_txn [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] and session [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] and server.description.server_type [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] in ( [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] SERVER_TYPE.Mongos, [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] SERVER_TYPE.LoadBalancer, [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] ) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] ): [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] session._pin(server, conn) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] err_handler.contribute_socket(conn) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] if ( [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] self._encrypter [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] and not self._encrypter._bypass_auto_encryption [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] and conn.max_wire_version < 8 [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] ): [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] > raise ConfigurationError( [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] "Auto-encryption requires a minimum MongoDB version of 4.2" [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] ) [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] E pymongo.errors.ConfigurationError: Auto-encryption requires a minimum MongoDB version of 4.2 [2024/09/05 15:32:25.242] pymongo\asynchronous\mongo_client.py:1590: ConfigurationError
The sync version of the test is correctly skipped. Caused by PYTHON-4673.
- is caused by
PYTHON-4673 Add Async Encryption Tests
- Closed