Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Blocker - P1
Affects Version/s: 2.8, 3.0
Component/s: None
Environment:MacOSX, Ubuntu
All of this was tested with mongo 2.6.8 and mongo 3.0
and i've tested under ubuntu 12.04 for a few but since i'm trying on my own laptop (Mac os X mavericks).
I can not create database in the second db connection with python-mongo.
The user i've created has this roles
> db.getUsers() [ { "_id" : "users_dev.look", "user" : "look", "db" : "users_dev", "roles" : [ { "role" : "root", "db" : "admin" }, { "role" : "readWrite", "db" : "users_dev" }, { "role" : "dbOwner", "db" : "users_dev" }, { "role" : "dbAdmin", "db" : "users_dev" } ] }]
then i'm testing my user in mongo:
mongo users_dev -u look -p > db.user_db.insert({ _id: ObjectId('54fdc2e7664348a5b8523656'), roles: { campaign_api: { history: [], role: "ghost", _cls: "UserAPI" } }, login: "backend", password: "G" }) WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) bash-3.2$ mongo users_dev -u look -p MongoDB shell version: 3.0.0 Enter password: connecting to: users_dev > db.user_db.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("54fdc2e7664348a5b8523656"), "roles" : { "campaign_api" : { "history" : [ ], "role" : "ghost", "_cls" : "UserAPI" } }, "login" : "backend", "password" : "G" } > db.user_db.remove(ObjectId("54fdc2e7664348a5b8523656")) WriteResult({ "nRemoved" : 1 }) > db.user_db.find() > db.user_db.insert({1:1}) WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
as everything seem to work i'm now trying with python-mongo:
# Connection 1. Going to connect to db: {'urli': 'mongodb://localhost/', 'pwd': 'pwd', 'db': 'promo', 'user': 'write', 'port': 27017} Connected to Db MongoClient('localhost', 27017) # Connection 2. db users_dev Going to connect to db: {u'pwd': u'pwd', u'urli': u'mongodb://localhost/', u'port': 27017, u'user': u'look'} - users_dev Connected to Users MongoClient(u'localhost', 27017) # The error that happen when i try to save my own document # UserDb is defined by myself as a model # u = UserDb(login="test", password="test", roles="viewer") # u._meta["db_alias"] = alias_connection_2 # u._collection = None # u.save() Could not save document (command SON([('createIndexes', u'user_db'), ('indexes', [{'name': u'login_1', 'key': SON([('login', 1)]), 'unique': True, 'background': False, 'sparse': False, 'dropDups': False}])]) on namespace users_dev.$cmd failed: not authorized on users_dev to execute command { createIndexes: "user_db", indexes: [ { name: "login_1", key: { login: 1 }, unique: true, background: false, sparse: false, dropDups: false } ] }) Could not save document (not authorized on users_dev to execute command { insert: "user_db", ordered: true, writeConcern: { w: 1 }, documents: [ { _id: ObjectId('54fdc66e664348a9cd1e4e43'), roles: { campaign_api: { history: [], role: "ghost", _cls: "UserAPI" } }, login: "backend", password: "G" } ] })
It's probably my fault, but after posting on stackoverflow, with no answer i lose hope.
Is this a bug from me or from your side ?
Thanks a lot.