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  1. Realm Core
  2. RCORE-1849

Xamarin Forms with Realm - Crash with Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE)

      SDK and version

      **SDK : Realm-dotnet
      Version: 11.4.0
      Xamarin Forms**


      • How frequent do the crash occur?
      • Frequently, but not always
      • Does it happen in production or during dev/test?
        • Development*
      • Can the crash be reproduced by you?
        • Yes*
      • Can you provide instructions for how we can reproduce it?
        • My realm object TypeA has IList of another realm object TypeB. Mostly it happens while trying to find or add to IList<TypeB > to TypeA realm object, but haven't yet managed to discover cause*

      Crash log / stacktrace

      [REALM] /home/runner/work/realm-dotnet/realm-dotnet/wrappers/realm-core/src/realm/array.hpp:205: [realm-core-13.17.1] Assertion failed: m_size == get_size_from_header(get_header()) [1, 0]
      [REALM] <backtrace not supported on this platform>
      [REALM] !!! IMPORTANT: Please report this at https://github.com/realm/realm-core/issues/new/choose
      [libc] Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE) in tid 2547 (Main), pid 2547 (Main)

      Steps & Code to Reproduce

        • My realm object TypeA has IList of another realm object TypeB. Mostly it happens while trying to find or add to IList<TypeB > to TypeA realm object, but haven't yet managed to discover cause. Rollback the transaction and again try to repeat the step. This is not failing always, but failing sometimes.*

            nicola.cabiddu@mongodb.com Nicola Cabiddu
            unitosyncbot Unito Sync Bot
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