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  1. Realm Java SDK
  2. RJAVA-1140

Allow consumers to prefer APT in Kotlin projects


      There is currently no way to bypass the usage of kapt for Kotlin projects using Realm. The plugin's code has a pending TODO comment about allowing the configuration of this setting, but no way to actually control it. This prevents people from using tools like NAPT for improving the build speed of their project. For instance, in my case, the only remaining library to rely on kapt is Realm and I'd like to move away from it to speed up compilations.

      Unfortunately, moving to realm-kotlin is not a realistic alternative because of the huge undertaking in migrating the codebase to support it.


      I'd like to request that a preferAptOnKotlinProject flag be added to its DSL of the Gradle plugin, with a default value of false.


      No response

      How important is this improvement for you?

      I'd like to see it, but have a workaround

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