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  1. Realm Java SDK
  2. RJAVA-762

Realm Exception while inserting data

      I am using realm-android for my project and using 5.10.0 as project is OLD.

      Whenever data tried to insert in Realm , it got following error.

      Found error inside the execution block of add data , io.realm.exceptions.RealmException: '' doesn't exist in current schema.
      at io.realm.internal.b.a(ColumnIndices.java:112)
      at io.realm.aq.e(RealmSchema.java:241)
      at io.realm.ar.a(SchemaConnector.java:48)
      at io.realm.internal.a.a.a(CachedFieldDescriptor.java:71)
      at io.realm.internal.a.c.e(FieldDescriptor.java:304)
      at io.realm.internal.a.c.a(FieldDescriptor.java:190)
      at io.realm.RealmQuery.c(RealmQuery.java:316)
      at io.realm.RealmQuery.a(RealmQuery.java:311)
      at io.realm.RealmQuery.a(RealmQuery.java:296)

      I have crossed checked and schema exists and was working fine earlier . It is showing schema name '' empty . I am not able to reproduce it . I have also cross verified for ProGuard and it seems fine. This particular data table was in sync mode. I have resolved this issue by clearing data but that data got lost. I am looking for reason so that in future this issues should not arise .

      P.S. :: Proguard line
      -keep public class * extends io.realm.RealmObject

      { *; }

      Realm version(s): 5.10.0
      Realm Sync feature enabled: Yes
      Android Build Tools version: 27.0.3
      Gradle version: 3.1.3

      Which Android version and device(s): 8.1.0

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