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  1. Realm JavaScript SDK
  2. RJS-1289

iOS production crash - realm::DB::get_number_of_versions()

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None

      Steps for others to Reproduce
      Not sure how to reproduce. This is happening in production app and is detected in Crashlytics logs.

      From Crashlytics:
      Crashed: com.facebook.react.JavaScript
      0 app_name 0x101151344 realm::DB::get_number_of_versions() + 632572
      1 app_name 0x100c46d00 check_can_create_write_transaction(realm::Realm const*) + 494 (shared_realm.cpp:494)
      2 app_name 0x100c46a30 realm::Realm::begin_transaction() + 599 (shared_realm.cpp:599)
      3 app_name 0x100c006a0 realm::js::RealmClass<realm::jsc::Types>::write(OpaqueJSContext const_, OpaqueJSValue_, realm::js::Arguments<realm::jsc::Types>&, realm::js::ReturnValue<realm::jsc::Types>&) + 28 (jsc_function.hpp:28)
      4 app_name 0x100bfa950 OpaqueJSValue const* realm::js::wrap<&(realm::js::RealmClass<realm::jsc::Types>::write(OpaqueJSContext const_, OpaqueJSValue_, realm::js::Arguments<realm::jsc::Types>&, realm::js::ReturnValue<realm::jsc::Types>&))>(OpaqueJSContext const_, OpaqueJSValue_, OpaqueJSValue_, unsigned long, OpaqueJSValue const_ const_, OpaqueJSValue const_*) + 77 (jsc_return_value.hpp:77)
      5 JavaScriptCore 0x199991d3c long long JSC::APICallbackFunction::call<JSC::JSCallbackFunction>(JSC::JSGlobalObject_, JSC::CallFrame_) + 412

      react native version - 0.63.3
      realm version - 10.1.0
      xcode version - 12.3
      pod version - 1.10.1

      based on crashlytics -
      majority of the crashes seen in iOS 14 (97% of the total crashes)
      98% of this crash occurs in the background

      complete crash log attached -
      get_number_of_versions() complete crash log.txt

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