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  1. Realm JavaScript SDK
  2. RJS-1439

Add option to exclude realm from iCloud backup


      Some apps might want to exclude realm from the iCloud backup. Currently there is no configuration option to achieve this behavior. I am aware that there are manual ways to solve this, e.g. manipulating the resource keys of files created by realm. However, I can understand developers who would rather not make such adjustments, as they may not be able to fully understand the effects. E.g., Apple writes in the documentation about the corresponding NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey parameter:

      > Set this property each time you save a file because some common file operations cause this property to reset to false.

      It also feels to me that this option should be configurable via Realm itself, since Realm is a database with its own synchronisation capabilities. React Native Async storage for example offers a configuration option for this purpose. Also, I've seen that for some files there is already an exclusion rule defined (see PR). Maybe you can tie in here?


      Provide a configuration parameter to exclude realm file from iCloud backup.

      How important is this improvement for you?

      I'd like to see it, but have a workaround

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