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  1. Realm JavaScript SDK
  2. RJS-2613

Typescript: realm.objects(... doesn't return Realm.Results

      How frequently does the bug occur?



      Imagine i have the following code:

      import Realm from 'realm';
      public createQuery<T>(schema: string): Realm.Results<T> {
          return this._realm.objects(schema);

      This growls (typescript 4.8.4) saying:

      Type 'Results<RealmObject<T, never> & T>' is not assignable to type 'ResultsType<T>'.
        Types of property 'update' are incompatible.
          Type '(propertyName: ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<RealmObject<T, never> & T, AnyDictionary> | Exclude<"keys", keyof AnyRealmObject | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>> | ... 13 more ... | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>, value: Unmanaged<...>[ExtractPropertyN...' is not assignable to type '(propertyName: ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<T, AnyDictionary> | Exclude<keyof T, keyof AnyRealmObject | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<T, AnyDictionary> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>, value: Unmanaged<...>[ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ... 1 more...'.
            Types of parameters 'propertyName' and 'propertyName' are incompatible.
              Type 'ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<T, AnyDictionary> | Exclude<keyof T, keyof AnyRealmObject | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<T, AnyDictionary> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>' is not assignable to type 'ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<RealmObject<T, never> & T, AnyDictionary> | Exclude<"keys", keyof AnyRealmObject | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>> | ... 13 more ... | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>'.
                Type 'ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<T, AnyDictionary>' is not assignable to type 'ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<RealmObject<T, never> & T, AnyDictionary> | Exclude<"keys", keyof AnyRealmObject | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>> | ... 13 more ... | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>'.
                  Type 'keyof T' is not assignable to type 'ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<RealmObject<T, never> & T, AnyDictionary> | Exclude<"keys", keyof AnyRealmObject | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>> | ... 13 more ... | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>'.
                    Type 'string | number | symbol' is not assignable to type 'ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<RealmObject<T, never> & T, AnyDictionary> | Exclude<"keys", keyof AnyRealmObject | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>> | ... 13 more ... | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>'.
                      Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<RealmObject<T, never> & T, AnyDictionary> | Exclude<"keys", keyof AnyRealmObject | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...> | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>> | ... 13 more ... | ExtractPropertyNamesOfType<...>'.ts(2322)

      If i do:

      import Realm, {Results} from 'realm';
      public createQuery<T>(schema: string): Results<T> {
          return this._realm.objects(schema);

      I get ts error:
      Type 'Results' is not generic. ts(2315)

      According to the docs, it should be valid the Realm.Results type

      Stacktrace & log output

      No response

      Can you reproduce the bug?


      Reproduction Steps

      No response



      What services are you using?

      Local Database only

      Are you using encryption?


      Platform OS and version(s)

      android, iOS

      Build environment

      RN Version 0.72.5

      Cocoapods version

      No response

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