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  1. Realm JavaScript SDK
  2. RJS-2682

Data Sync incomplete on collections that app does not insert

      How frequently does the bug occur?



      Hi, I am using realm on react native

      The issue is that when I tried to query collections that I do not insert on app (users for example) the app does not sync the data for that collection and I cant query that.

      Why isn't it syncing all collections that is declared on de realm context config ?

      Real examples:

      // Collection that has some inserts on app: //

      type GenerateProps = {
      title: string;
      banner?: string;
      text: string;
      structs: string[];
      sticked?: boolean;
      urgent?: boolean;

      export class News extends Realm.Object<News> {
      _id!: Realm.BSON.UUID;
      title!: string;
      banner!: string;
      text!: string;
      createdAt!: Date;
      structs!: string[];
      deleted!: boolean;

      static generate(

      { title, banner, text, createdBy, structs, sticked, urgent, }

      : GenerateProps) {

      { _id: new Realm.BSON.ObjectID(), title, banner, text, createdBy: new Realm.BSON.ObjectID(createdBy), createdAt: new Date(), structs, sticked, urgent, }


      static schema: ObjectSchema = {
      name: "News",

      properties: {
        _id: "objectId",
        title: "string",
        banner: "string?",
        text: "string",
        createdAt: "date",
        structs: {
          type: "list",
          objectType: "objectId",
        sticked: {
          type: "bool",
          default: false,
          indexed: true,
        urgent: {
          type: "bool",
          default: false,
          indexed: true,
        deleted: {
          type: "bool",
          default: false,
          indexed: true,
      primaryKey: "_id",


      // Collection that has not any insert on app: //

      export class Users extends Realm.Object<Users> {
      _id!: Realm.BSON.UUID;
      name!: string;
      document!: string;
      register!: string;
      "__v": number;
      createdAt!: Date;
      email!: string;
      fcmToken?: string;
      updatedAt?: Date;

      static schema: ObjectSchema = {
      name: "Users",

      properties: {
        _id: "objectId",
        name: "string",
        document: "string",
        register: "string",
        __v: "int",
        createdAt: "date",
        email: "string",
        fcmToken: "string?",
        updatedAt: "date",
      primaryKey: "_id",


      // realm context config: //

      const realmAccessBehavior: Realm.OpenRealmBehaviorConfiguration = {
      type: Realm.OpenRealmBehaviorType.OpenImmediately,

      export const syncConfig: any = {
      flexible: true,
      newRealmFileBehavior: realmAccessBehavior,
      existingRealmFileBehavior: realmAccessBehavior,

      export const

      { RealmProvider, useRealm, useQuery, useObject }


      { schema: [News, Users], schemaVersion: 1, }


      // realm sync useEffect: //

      useEffect(() => {
      realm.subscriptions.update((mutableSubs, realm) => {
      const news = realm.objects("News");
      const users = realm.objects("Users");

        mutableSubs.add(news, { name: "news" });
        mutableSubs.add(users, { name: "users" });

      }, [realm]);

      Not including the appProvider and etc.. because I think it is standart.
      Using Anonymous session on attlas

      News Collection is working as normal but users has never synced any data from atlas

      Is there any missing config ?

      Stacktrace & log output

      No response

      Can you reproduce the bug?


      Reproduction Steps

      No response


      @realm/react: 0.6.2 realm: 12.5.0

      What services are you using?

      Atlas Device Sync

      Are you using encryption?


      Platform OS and version(s)

      React Native 0.72.6, expo

      Build environment

      Which debugger for React Native: ..

      Cocoapods version

      No response

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