• Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: API design
    • Labels:

      In Realm Java we right now have a complete Dynamic Realm API. It was developed to assist with the manual migrations, but also have other uses, like people creating really dynamic code like a Realm database browser.


      For Realm Kotlin we need to figure out exactly how this API should look like. The original API has quite a few annoying implementation details. This mostly comes from the fact that DynamicRealmObject _ is a subclass of _RealmObject and we use the same types (RealmList and RealmResults) to expose them. 


      With method count no longer being a big concern we should consider if we should expose the dynamic data through their completely own types. This would also fix some annoyances, like `RealmObject.getRealm()` throwing an exception for DynamicRealmObject.



      • To what degree do we need to support a Dynamic API in we start by exposing automatic migrations as done in other SDK's?
      • If we end up with a full-blown Dynamic API, how should it look like?
      • Writeup pros/cons for different proposals.


            claus.rorbech@mongodb.com Claus Rørbech
            christian.melchior@mongodb.com Christian Melchior (Inactive)
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            1 Start watching this issue
