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  1. Realm .NET SDK
  2. RNET-137

Realm.DeleteRealm throwing Realms.Exceptions.RealmPermissionDeniedException even when disposed

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      Delete the Realm.

      Expected Results

      The Realm deletes without throwing an exception.

      Actual Results

      After calling


      , I call


      which throws an exception

      Realms.Exceptions.RealmPermissionDeniedException: Unable to delete Realm because it is still open.

      Upon inspection of the instance realm via the debugger,


      is still false after calling



      Something to note: This code has remained unchanged and has worked for nearly 2 years without issue, but upon upgrading to


      3.2, I started seeing this issue.

      Steps to Reproduce

      See above.

      Code Sample

      private Realm LocalStorage => Realm.GetInstance(GetRealmConfig());
      public void Delete()
      	App.Log.Info("Deleting realm.");
      	//delete data on device (realm)
      	if (_config != null)
      		Realm.DeleteRealm(_config); //throws exception here,crashing app; 
      		App.Log.Info("Realm deleted.");
      	//clear local db identifier (this will force app to generate a new realm)
      	_localDbId = null;
      	_appIo.SetPreference(AppPreference.DbIdentifier, null);
      	_appIo.SetPreference(AppPreference.DbSchemaVersion, null);
      	_config = null;
      private RealmConfiguration GetRealmConfig()
      	return _config ?? (_config = BuildRealmConfig());
      private RealmConfiguration BuildRealmConfig()
      	var dbId = GetLocalDbId();
      	var dbName = $"prepify-{App.User.MemberInfo.MemberGuid}_{dbId}.realm";
      	var schema = GetSchemaVersion();
      	App.Log.Info($"Access realm: schema {schema} | id {dbId} | name {dbName}");
      	return new RealmConfiguration(dbName)
      		ShouldDeleteIfMigrationNeeded = true,
      		SchemaVersion = schema
      private ulong GetSchemaVersion()
      	return _appIo.GetPreference<ulong?>(AppPreference.DbSchemaVersion) ?? 1;
      private int GetLocalDbId()
      	App.Log.Info($"getting dbId");
      	lock (_locker)
      		if (!_localDbId.HasValue)
      			_localDbId = _appIo.GetPreference<int?>(AppPreference.DbIdentifier);
      		if (!_localDbId.HasValue)
      			_localDbId = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(111111, 999999);
      			App.Log.Info($"set new dbId {_localDbId}; this will force generate a new realm when accessed");
      			_appIo.SetPreference(AppPreference.DbIdentifier, _localDbId);
      	return _localDbId.Value;

      Version of Realm and Tooling

      • Realm Object Server Version: n/a
      • Flavor:
        • [] Developer
        • [ ] Professional
        • [ ] Enterprise
      • Server OS & Version: ? n/a
      • Client SDK Version: Realm.Database 3.2
      • Client OS & Version: iOS 11.4; NET Standard 2.0; XF 3.2

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