Uploaded image for project: 'Realm .NET SDK'
  1. Realm .NET SDK
  2. RNET-200

Let the app catch correctly the exception realm::IncorrectThreadException instead of giving SIGABRT

      <!--- Questions: If you have questions about how to use Realm, please ask on -->
      <!--- StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=realm -->
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      <Unable to render embedded object: File (--- Thanks for helping us help you) not found. -->


      Move the Realm exception realm::IncorrectThreadException to .NET Framework VM, so it can be catched using a try catch.

      Expected Results

      Instead of having the app firmly crash without possibility to recover in case of a thread using the realm object incorrectly, I expect that the behaviour of the app must be controlled: even if I known that, because of the realm limitation, a realm object cannot be shared by threads. An app must have the possibility to catch the exception and continue to work even if the data is lost. For example, an app can log the status or send telemetry to the company, and inform user that something gone wrong and to contact support.

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