When testing Atlas Data Lake with the ruby driver, we are having issues with cursors, in particular getting the next batch. While mongod/mongos returns a cursor namespace that uses the originating database and collection names, Atlas Data Lake does not.
For example, issuing the query on the "test" database, db.foo.find(), mongod/mongos will return a cursor with the namespace "test.foo". However, Atlas Data Lake will return a namespace more like "cursors.lkajlkasdf-3980238d908sdf".
As such, any getMore requests on Atlas Data Lake will result in cursor not found messages. We've tested both find and aggregate.
- causes
RUBY-2432 Cannot list collections on 2.6 server if multiple batches are employed
- Closed
- depends on
RUBY-1849 Implement caching cursor in driver
- Closed
- is depended on by
RUBY-2325 Testing Data Lake with Drivers
- Closed
- related to
CSHARP-3021 GetMore commands are not sent with the namespace returned in the last batch.
- Closed
PYTHON-2182 Cursor namespace is ignored
- Closed