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  1. Ruby Driver
  2. RUBY-3463

Cursor does not retain connection in load balanced topology.

    • Ruby Drivers
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      1. What would you like to communicate to the user about this feature?
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      3. Which versions of the driver/connector does this apply to?

      1. What would you like to communicate to the user about this feature? 2. Would you like the user to see examples of the syntax and/or executable code and its output? 3. Which versions of the driver/connector does this apply to?

      The load balancer spec specifies:

      When the driver is in load balancing mode and executing any cursor-initiating command, the driver MUST NOT check the connection back into the pool unless the command fails or the server returns a cursor ID of 0 (i.e. all documents are returned in a single batch). Otherwise, the driver MUST continue to use the same connection for all subsequent - Code:getMore commands for the cursor. The driver MUST check the connection back into the pool if the server returns a cursor ID of 0 in a getMore response (i.e. the cursor is drained).

      This is not implemented in the Ruby driver. Instead, the driver used connection pinning, and checks in the connection as usual.

      This lead to the issue described below:

      • Thread 1 creates a cursor using Connection 1, and checks it in to the pool
      • Thread 2 creates a cursor using Connection 1, and checks it in to the pool
      • Thread 1 checks out Connection 1 for getMore
      • Thread 2 wants to do getMore, so tries to check out Connection 1. It is not available, though, so Thread 2 has to wait.
      • If Thread 1 does not return Connection 1 for some time, Thread 2 times out.

      In this situation increasing maxConnecting does not help, threads are waiting for a particular connection, which can be not available.

      The following example reproduces the issue locally when run against load balanced setup (see here how to run load balanced setup):

      class User
        include Mongoid::Document
        field :number, type: Integer
      1_000.times do |i|
        User.create!(number: i)
        if i % 100 == 0
          print '.'
      threads = 100.times.map do |i|
        Thread.new do
          User.where(:number.gte => i).each do |doc|
            pp doc
        rescue => e
          Mongoid.logger.fatal e.inspect

            dmitry.rybakov@mongodb.com Dmitry Rybakov
            dmitry.rybakov@mongodb.com Dmitry Rybakov
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