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  1. Rust Driver
  2. RUST-677

Support specifying more serialization formatting options

    • Type: Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Support specifying serialization formatting options at runtime
    • To Do

      While the serde helpers cover cases where the schema is known and the user can define a struct to map to it, they aren't sufficient for scenarios where the schema is unknown or the struct is defined in a third party. We should allow serialization configuration options to be specified at runtime to address these scenarios.

      e.g. unknown schema converting to JSON with ISO-8601 formatted dates instead of extJSON

      let options = bson::extjson::ser::Options::builder().date_format(DateFormat::Iso8601).build();
      let json = doc! { "date": Bson::DateTime(Utc::now()) }.into_extjson_with_options(options); // { "date": <ISO 8601 formatted date> }

      Another option is to introduce configuration by means of wrapper.

      let doc = doc! { "date": Bson::DateTime(Utc::now()) };
      let format_options = DocumentFormatOptions::build::date(DateFormat::Iso8601).build();
      let wrapped = FormattedDocument::from_doc_with_options(doc, format_options);serde_json::to_value(wrapped).unwrap() // { "date": <ISO 8601 formatted string> }

      e.g. dealing with third party struct

      // third party struct
      struct Foo {
          date: chrono::DateTime<Utc>,
      // end third party struct
      let doc = doc! { "date": Bson::DateTime(Utc::new()) };
      let options = bson::de::Options::builder().chrono_date_format(DateFormat::Bson).build();
      let foo: Foo = bson::from_document_with_options(doc, options).unwrap();
      let ser_options = bson::ser::Options::builder().chrono_date_format(DateFormat::Bson).build();
      let doc = bson::to_document(foo).unwrap(); // serializes date as a BSON datetime not a stringĀ 

      Some of these we could consider enabling by default for ergonomic reasons. E.g. if a user attempts to deserialize a String, but the value at that key in the BSON is a datetime, we could convert the datetime to a String and deserialize that.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            patrick.freed@mongodb.com Patrick Freed
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