db.c.drop() db.c.insert({a: 1}) db.adminCommand({setParameter:1, planRankerMode: "samplingCE"}) db.c.find({$expr: {$divide: ['$a', 0]}}).explain() // MongoServerError: can't $divide by zero db.adminCommand({setParameter:1, planRankerMode: "multiPlanning"}) db.c.find({$expr: {$divide: ['$a', 0]}}).explain()
The classic engine is able to display the plan in the case, but CBR with sampling will uassert during the execution of the sampling query.
We should consider what the intended semantics of CBR should be in this case: ignore the document for the purposes of CE? Fallback to multiplanning? Leave the behavior as is?
- related to
SERVER-102160 Complete TODO listed in SERVER-100434
- Needs Verification