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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-10423

dbtests/pdfile failed on Windows 32-bit, Linux 64-bit

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 2.5.2
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Testing Infrastructure
    • Environment:
      Nightly Windows 32-bit
      Nightly Linux 64-bit SSL Ubuntu 1204
    • ALL

      Unit tests failed on pdfile:

      Nightly Windows 32-bit Build #1373 Aug 3 rev ffc485ea5

      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] going to run suite: pdfile
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::Empty
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::EmptyLooped
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::EmptyMultiExtentLooped
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::Single
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::NewCapFirst
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::NewCapLast
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::NewCapMiddle
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::FirstExtent
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::LastExtent
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::MidExtent
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::AloneInExtent
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::FirstInExtent
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ScanCapped::LastInExtent
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::Insert::InsertAddId
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::Insert::UpdateDate
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: class PdfileTests::ExtentSizing
      Sat Aug 03 10:34:14.768 [testsuite] FAIL: class PdfileTests::ExtentSizing	Expected Extent::maxSize() == sz (536862704 == 536862464) @src\mongo\dbtests\pdfiletests.cpp:338

      Also on

      Nightly Linux 64-bit SSL Ubuntu 1204 Build #179 Aug 3 rev ffc485ea5

      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.114 [testsuite] going to run suite: pdfile
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.114 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::Empty
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.117 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::EmptyLooped
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.117 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::EmptyMultiExtentLooped
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.117 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::Single
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.118 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::NewCapFirst
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.118 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::NewCapLast
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.118 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::NewCapMiddle
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.118 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::FirstExtent
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.119 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::LastExtent
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.119 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::MidExtent
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.119 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::AloneInExtent
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.119 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::FirstInExtent
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.120 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ScanCapped::LastInExtent
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.120 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::Insert::InsertAddId
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.122 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::Insert::UpdateDate
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.122 [testsuite] 	 going to run test: PdfileTests::ExtentSizing
      Sat Aug  3 08:19:09.122 [testsuite] FAIL: PdfileTests::ExtentSizing	Expected Extent::maxSize() == sz (2146426864 == 2146426624) @src/mongo/dbtests/pdfiletests.cpp:338

      Eliot, is this due to your SERVER-6405 changes?

            eliot Eliot Horowitz (Inactive)
            matt.kangas Matt Kangas
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
