Provide new explain format with debugging information and both runtime stats and static query information.
Deprecate inapplicable old format.
- is depended on by
DRIVERS-164 Support changes to explain in MongoDB 2.8
- Closed
- is duplicated by
SERVER-12792 incorrect nscannedObjects for explain for index intersection
- Closed
SERVER-14610 Detailed explain does not list rejected plans
- Closed
SERVER-7054 make explain output more informative and user friendly
- Closed
- is related to
SERVER-3493 count command should give indexinfo
- Closed
SERVER-8747 In explain output, per plan 'n' count is not updated after an out of order plan wins
- Closed
SERVER-8912 Metric "document.scanned" is not the same as nscannedObjects (from explain)
- Closed
SERVER-9126 Cannot get query plan or status for distinct() routed through mongos
- Closed
SERVER-11771 extended options for $regex cannot be displayed in explain output when used on an index
- Closed
SERVER-2845 when using skip, objects still reported as being scanned.
- Closed
SERVER-5759 indexOnly in explain() is not reported correctly
- Closed
SERVER-8957 Explain on 2dsphere find query includes "nscanned" twice, and some other inconsistencies
- Closed
SERVER-12037 Add additional information to $text query explain
- Closed
SERVER-8997 Display yield time where we display yield counts
- Open
SERVER-1812 Add the ability to get query results and the query plan in one call
- Backlog
SERVER-2235 IndexScan should track the number of calls to seek() and expose in explain
- Closed
SERVER-3401 Add faults/idx-miss to explain and profiler output
- Closed
SERVER-4494 explain output should include index version
- Closed
SERVER-4755 sharded explain should return shard names, not addresses
- Closed
SERVER-8208 support explain() without actually executing the query
- Closed
SERVER-8659 Allow projections with dotted fields to be covered
- Closed
SERVER-11975 All Runners should support getExplainPlan before the first call to getNext
- Closed
SERVER-15167 Improve explain visibility of $min/$max indexBounds
- Closed
SERVER-3495 Include sparse/attr in explain output
- Closed
SERVER-5336 explain() cursor field should store index used and type of scan in separate fields
- Closed
SERVER-12533 Include sort (spec) for sort stage in full explain output
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-15020 Implement explain for the distinct command
- Closed
SERVER-19758 Add "executionStats" and "allPlansExecution" explain modes to aggregation explain
- Closed
SERVER-15330 Bump maxWireProtocolVersion for 2.8 features
- Closed
SERVER-16053 explain shell helpers should retry using $explain if explain command fails on a mixed version sharded cluster
- Closed
SERVER-14086 explain() doesn't display plan information if chosen query plan generates error
- Closed
SERVER-17347 .explain() should be included in the shell's DBCollection help
- Closed