Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: Testing Infrastructure
Related to SERVER-10104? Or maybe another race between tests?
master rev 3696ac227c, Wed Aug 12
2013-08-22T00:46:33.037+0000 [conn33] CMD: drop test.jstests_mr_drop sh1444| MongoDB shell version: 2.5.2-pre- 2013-08-22T00:46:33.041+0000 [conn33] end connection (6 connections now open) 2013-08-22T00:46:33.044+0000 [conn29] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_drop_6 2013-08-22T00:46:33.045+0000 [conn29] CMD: drop test.tmp.mr.jstests_mr_drop_6_inc 2013-08-22T00:46:33.046+0000 [conn29] command test.$cmd command: { mapreduce: "jstests_mr_drop", map: function () { sleep( this.mapSleep ); emit( this.key, this ); }, reduce: function ( key, vals ) { sleep( vals[ 0 ].reduceSleep ); return vals[ 0 ]; }, finalize: function ( key, value ) { sleep( value.finalizeSleep ); return value; }, out: "jstests_mr_drop_out" } ntoreturn:1 keyUpdates:0 locks(micros) r:832 reslen:66 2074ms 2013-08-22T00:46:33.064+0000 [conn30] CMD: drop test.geoa 2013-08-22T00:46:33.066+0000 [conn30] build index test.geoa { _id: 1 } 2013-08-22T00:46:33.066+0000 [conn30] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs 2013-08-22T00:46:33.067+0000 [conn30] build index test.geoa { a.loc: "2d" } 2013-08-22T00:46:33.068+0000 [conn30] build index done. scanned 3 total records. 0 secs 2013-08-22T00:46:33.071+0000 [conn30] build index test.system.users { _id: 1 } 2013-08-22T00:46:33.072+0000 [conn30] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs 2013-08-22T00:46:33.072+0000 [conn30] build index test.system.users { user: 1, userSource: 1 } 2013-08-22T00:46:33.072+0000 [conn30] build index done. scanned 0 total records. 0 secs sh1444| connecting to: sh1444| true 2013-08-22T00:46:33.048+0000 map reduce failed:{ "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "ns doesn't exist" } at src/mongo/shell/collection.js:1009 ********** Parallel Test FAILED: Error: error loading js file: jstests/mr_drop.js
- is related to
SERVER-13512 mr_drop.js is flakey when run in parallel with other tests
- Closed