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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-11314

sharding:empty_cluster_init.js failed on V2.4 Win 32-bit

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.4.7
    • Component/s: Testing Infrastructure
    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL

      V2.4 Windows 32-bit Build #261 rev 8997835c05 (Mon Oct 21)


      Note that Greg increased a timeout for this test in 2.5.3 in SERVER-11220. Those examples took 10+ min to fail. This one failed in 3.5 minutes.

       m27003| Mon Oct 21 16:05:47.086 [mongosMain] waited 36s for distributed lock configUpgrade for upgrading config database to new format v4
       m27004| Mon Oct 21 16:05:59.582 [mongosMain] waited 48s for distributed lock configUpgrade for upgrading config database to new format v4
       m27003| Mon Oct 21 16:05:59.582 [mongosMain] waited 48s for distributed lock configUpgrade for upgrading config database to new format v4
       m27005| Mon Oct 21 16:05:47.117 [mongosMain] distributed lock 'configUpgrade/EC2AMAZ-EXWX6MN:27005:1382371510:41' acquired, ts : 526550c84fa8416bdd73144a
       m27005| Mon Oct 21 16:05:47.117 [mongosMain] starting upgrade of config server from v0 to v4
       m27005| Mon Oct 21 16:05:47.117 [mongosMain] starting next upgrade step from v0 to v4
       m27005| Mon Oct 21 16:05:47.117 [mongosMain] about to log new metadata event: { _id: "EC2AMAZ-EXWX6MN-2013-10-21T16:05:47-526550db4fa8416bdd73144b", server: "EC2AMAZ-EXWX6MN", clientAddr: "N/A", time: new Date(1382371547117), what: "starting upgrade of config database", ns: "config.version", details: { from: 0, to: 4 } }
       m27000| Mon Oct 21 16:05:59.597 [conn16] runQuery called admin.$cmd { shutdown: 1, force: 1 }
       m27000| Mon Oct 21 16:05:59.597 [conn16] run command admin.$cmd { shutdown: 1, force: 1 }
       m27000| Mon Oct 21 16:05:59.597 [conn16] command: { shutdown: 1, force: 1 }
       m27000| Mon Oct 21 16:05:59.597 [conn16] terminating, shutdown command received
       m27000| Mon Oct 21 16:05:59.597 dbexit: shutdown called
       m27000| Mon Oct 21 16:05:33.857 [conn10] update config.locks query: { _id: "configUpgrade" } update: { $set: { state: 2, who: "EC2AMAZ-EXWX6MN:27005:1382371510:41:mongosMain:18467", process: "EC2AMAZ-EXWX6MN:27005:1382371510:41", when: new Date(1382371528974), why: "upgrading config database to new format v4", ts: ObjectId('526550c84fa8416bdd73144a') } } idhack:1 nupdated:1 fastmod:1 keyUpdates:0 locks(micros) w:111 0ms
       m27004| Mon Oct 21 16:05:33.826 [mongosMain] could not acquire lock 'configUpgrade/EC2AMAZ-EXWX6MN:27004:1382371510:41' (another update won)
       m27004| Mon Oct 21 16:05:33.826 [mongosMain] distributed lock 'configUpgrade/EC2AMAZ-EXWX6MN:27004:1382371510:41' was not acquired.
       m27004| Mon Oct 21 16:05:33.826 [mongosMain] waited 23s for distributed lock configUpgrade for upgrading config database to new format v4
       m27000| Mon Oct 21 16:05:34.840 [conn9] runQuery called config.locks { _id: "configUpgrade" }
      Error: Printing Stack Trace
          at printStackTrace (src/mongo/shell/utils.js:37:15)
          at doassert (src/mongo/shell/assert.js:6:5)
          at Function.assert.soon (src/mongo/shell/assert.js:110:60)
          at D:\slave\Windows_32bit_V2.4\mongo\jstests\sharding\empty_cluster_init.js:37:8
      Mon Oct 21 16:05:47.086 assert.soon failed: function () {
          try {
              mongosConn = new Mongo(mongoses[0].host);
              return true;
          catch (e) {
              print("Waiting for connect...");
              return false;
      }, msg:undefined at src/mongo/shell/assert.js:7
      failed to load: D:\slave\Windows_32bit_V2.4\mongo\jstests\sharding\empty_cluster_init.js

      Note, this occurred on Win 32 which has only a single CPU. If any of the spawned processes are spinning it can starve other processes of CPU time.

            randolph@mongodb.com Randolph Tan
            matt.kangas Matt Kangas
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
