I was attempting to upgrade from mongo 1.42 to mongo 1.43 on Windows 7. I downloaded the binaries and installed them to a new folder, different from the existing 1.42 install. I then edited my path and opened up a new command prompt. I typed in mongod --remove and it hung for over a minute. The service stopped according to the event viewer but did not shut down. After waiting over a minute I hit ctrl+c and tried the command again and it worked. I'd like to see the following:
1. Some console error messages. Specifically:
Service "Mongo DB" is running attempting to stop now . . . OR Service "Mongo DB" is not running OR Service "Mongo DB" is disabled
Service "Mongo DB" stopped successfully . . .
Removing service "Mongo DB"
Service "Mongo DB" removed successfully.
2. If the hanging can be reproduced I'd like to see it eliminated.