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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-13004

Enterprise SNMP config file setup on windows

    • Type: Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Priority: Icon: Minor - P4 Minor - P4
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.6.0-rc0
    • Component/s: Security
    • Server Security

      The config files for snmp support on windows need a fair bit of setup compared to linux. And while it's possible to get everything working on windows, the workaround make it obvious how non-idiomatically we've built the support. Do we want to update the existing docs, or try a little harder in the installer to make support more out of the box?

      Steps needed to get snmp up for windows:

      • copy mongod.conf.master/subagent to c:\snmp\etc\config. (not clear to me why this is the recommended path. We neither create it in the installer or provide any special lookup for it there)
      • add an environment variable SNMPCONFPATH=c:\snmp\etc\config
      • for the subagent, comment the use of a unix domain socket for subagent reporting and uncomment a tcp socket line.

      By default, mongod looks for mongod.conf in a handful of paths, none of which exists: c:/snmp/etc/snmp;c:/snmp/share/snmp (note the reversed slashes). It seems like we could look for a config in our own install path "c:\Program Files\MongoDB Enterprise 2.6.0", or provide a command line switch to point to a file. We could also ship with a subagent config that works out of the box.

      Either way, setting an environment variable for a library that we're completely wrapping to locate a config which doesn't immediately work seems impolite when we could technically just fix our installer.

            backlog-server-security [DO NOT USE] Backlog - Security Team
            mira.carey@mongodb.com Mira Carey
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