In src/mongo/s/distlock.cpp:859:
The log messages for acquiring a distributed log on LogLevel 1 contain newline characters, thus inserting many lines in the log file that do not start with a date.
2014-03-06T13:11:36.421+1100 [Balancer] about to acquire distributed lock 'balancer/enter.local:27017:1394071745:16807: { "state" : 1, "who" : "enter.local:27017:1394071745:16807:Balancer:1622650073", "process" : "enter.local:27017:1394071745:16807", "when" : { "$date" : "2014-03-06T13:11:36.421+1100" }, "why" : "doing balance round", "ts" : { "$oid" : "5317d95853d2a04cf55266ce" } } { "_id" : "balancer", "state" : 0, "ts" : { "$oid" : "5317d95253d2a04cf55266cd" } } 2014-03-06T13:11:36.422+1100 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/enter.local:27017:1394071745:16807' acquired, ts : 5317d95853d2a04cf55266ce
This makes automatic log parsing difficult and should be avoided.
Can we remove the newline characters from these messages and print the entire json string in the single line, consistent with other log messages?