Mongod crashed when mongorestoring fs.chunk collection, all the other collections restored successfully.
mongod log:
mongod(93427,0x1046c2000) malloc: *** error for object 0x102800000: pointer being freed was not allocated *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug Thu Apr 17 11:35:11.570 Got signal: 6 (Abort trap). Thu Apr 17 11:35:11.575 Backtrace: 0x10006d99b 0x1000b5fdb 0x7fff849491ba 0 0x1000b9242 0x1000bbd91 0x1000bc4ad 0x1000c3a29 0x1000c5a29 0x1000b5304 0x3 0 mongod 0x000000010006d99b _ZN5mongo15printStackTraceERSo + 43 1 mongod 0x00000001000b5fdb _ZN5mongo10abruptQuitEi + 987 2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff849491ba _sigtramp + 26 3 ??? 0x0000000000000000 0x0 + 0 4 mongod 0x00000001000b9242 _ZN5mongo6listenEi + 482 5 mongod 0x00000001000bbd91 _ZN5mongo14_initAndListenEi + 1457 6 mongod 0x00000001000bc4ad _ZN5mongo13initAndListenEi + 29 7 mongod 0x00000001000c3a29 _ZL11mongoDbMainiPPcS0_ + 29561 8 mongod 0x00000001000c5a29 main + 9 9 mongod 0x00000001000b5304 start + 52 10 ??? 0x0000000000000003 0x0 + 3
There's a similar report at mongo_user group
- duplicates
SERVER-11650 Unittests freeing unallocated thread specific pointer in debug mode
- Closed