The built-in role restore, added for 2.6, provides privileges to run mongorestore to restore data to a MongoDB instance running with authentication, but this role does not contain the privilege to update the system.roles collection (via insert).
mongorestore fails when run using a user with restore role if the dump being restored contains admin.system.roles entries (i.e. user-defined roles), resulting in a partial import only.
Create a new role with with the right permissions, and then create a new user that has this new role (replace USER, PASSWORD with appropriate credentials):
use admin; db.createRole({role:"fullrestore", privileges:[{resource:{db:"admin",collection:"system.roles"}, actions:["insert","collMod","createCollection","createIndex","dropCollection","find","remove","update"]}], roles:["restore"]}) db.createUser({user:"USER",pwd:"PASSWORD",roles:["fullrestore"]})
Use this new user with mongorestore.
MongoDB production versions 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 are affected by this issue.
The fix is included in the 2.6.2 production release.
The built-in role restore now has the appropriate privileges, so a user with this role can run mongorestore to restore data including user-defined roles to a MongoDB instance.
Original description.
mongorestore will fail if we run it using a user with restore roles.
> show users ...... { "_id" : "admin.restore", "user" : "restore", "db" : "admin", "roles" : [ { "role" : "restore", "db" : "admin" } ] } bash-3.2$ mongorestore --port 33333 -u restore -p restore -d test --authenticationDatabase admin --restoreDbUsersAndRoles dump/test/ connected to: 2014-05-01T14:32:14.520+1000 Restoring users for the test database to admin.system.users 2014-05-01T14:32:14.520+1000 going into namespace [admin.system.users] Restoring to admin.system.users without dropping. Restored data will be inserted without raising errors; check your server log file dump/test/$admin.system.users.bson empty, skipping 2014-05-01T14:32:14.530+1000 Creating index: { key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "admin.system.users" } 2014-05-01T14:32:14.530+1000 Creating index: { unique: true, key: { user: 1, db: 1 }, name: "user_1_db_1", ns: "admin.system.users" } 2014-05-01T14:32:14.530+1000 Restoring roles for the test database to admin.system.roles 2014-05-01T14:32:14.530+1000 going into namespace [admin.system.roles] Restoring to admin.system.roles without dropping. Restored data will be inserted without raising errors; check your server log file dump/test/$admin.system.roles.bson empty, skipping 2014-05-01T14:32:14.534+1000 Creating index: { key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "admin.system.roles" } Error creating index admin.system.roles: 13 err: "not authorized to create index on admin.system.roles" Abort trap: 6
=== TODOs for this ticket ===
- Add required permissions to the restore role
- Complement jstests/tool/dumprestore_auth2.js to test mongorestore properly with user with role "restore"
- is depended on by
SERVER-13869 Update jstests/tool/dumprestore_auth2.js to test mongorestore with user with role "restore"
- Closed
- is duplicated by
SERVER-13869 Update jstests/tool/dumprestore_auth2.js to test mongorestore with user with role "restore"
- Closed