Resolution: Unresolved
Minor - P4
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: Querying
Query Optimization
Fully Compatible
(copied to CRM)
Case insensitive left-anchored regular expressions whose first few characters are non-special and ASCII don't need to do full index scans, but can be exploded out to 2^n range queries with regex filters where n is the number of non-special characters at the beginning of the regex.
For example, this query:
db.foo.find( { s : /^ab/i } );
could be converted in mongod to anything functionally equivalent to
db.foo.find({"$or": [ { s : /^ab/ }, { s : /^Ab/ }, { s : /^aB/ }, { s : /^AB/ } ] );
(However, I do not specifically request that the mongod actually run that $or query, just anything analogous to it.)
Obviously the exponential explosion in disjuncts would be undesirable for sufficiently long prefixes, but perhaps an expansion of the first few characters' worth could be a win for people compared the full index scan we currently do.
(In this issue I restrict the request to just left anchored regular expressions corresponding to a prefix of ASCII characters because restricting the problem just to ASCII strings reduces the complexity of implementation and perhaps maintenance. This is not intended to be a substitute for introduction of any locale aware, case insensitive collations, just an optimization request for a feature that's unlikely to go away even if we do grow locale awareness.)
Testing: presumably this improvement would somehow be reflected in the explain() plan. So certain aspects of testing could include comparing explain plains from case-sensitive and case-insensitive regular expression queries.
Documentation changes needed: if we document the absence of optimizations for case-insensitive regular expressions, we should cease to do so if this improvement is made. (Whether we also document the existence of the new optimization is a separate question about which I have no opinion.)
- is duplicated by
SERVER-49002 Utilize index for anchored case-insensitive $regex
- Closed