When a query fails due to running mongod with --notablescan, the log message should indicate that the query failure was due to running with --notablescan.
1) A normal find against a missing index will report which attribute is being queried, but not that it is failing due to --notablescan:
Prior to 2.6, this was logged:
> db.a.find({attr:1}) error: { "$err" : "table scans not allowed:tmp.a", "code" : 10111 }
After 2.6:
> db.a.find({attr:1}) Error: error: { "$err" : "Unable to execute query: error processing query: ns=notablescan.a limit=0 skip=0\nTree: attr == 1.0\nSort: {}\nProj: {}\n No query solutions", "code" : 17007 }
This impacts all clients of the query system: distinct, m/r, agg, count, etc.