On GCC 4.8.2 on Ubuntu 14.04, there appears to be a concurrency error in the _GLIBCXX_DEBUG version of std::list<T> that leads to segfaults. I've dug down into it, and thus far failed to make the crashing uses of std::list<T> crash without _GLIBCXX_DEBUG. Any of the C++ unit tests in src/mongo/db/repl that make serious use of ReplicationExecutor crash within 500 runs on my desktop with _GLIBCXX_DEBUG enabled, but run without issue for tens of thousands of iterations without it enabled.
So, I propose to guard _GLIBCXX_DEBUG with a SCons flag, --enable-glibcxx-debug, and default it to off.
- is related to
SERVER-12189 For debug builds using libstdc++, enable the debugging features in that library
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-23082 race in ThreadPoolTaskExecutor between scheduleWorkAt() and cancel()
- Closed