Resolution: Done
Minor - P4
Affects Version/s: 2.4.9, 2.6.5
Component/s: Sharding
Sharding 2019-07-01
After removing one RS member in a shard, MongoS updates config.shards but keeps the stale shard string in the explain() output.
Create a new sharded collection with a single record:
mongos> sh.enableSharding("beep") { "ok" : 1 } mongos> sh.shardCollection("beep.beeps",{_id:1}) { "collectionsharded" : "beep.beeps", "ok" : 1 } mongos> use beep switched to db beep mongos> db.beeps.insert({x:1}) WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 }) mongos> db.beeps.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd"), "x" : 1 } mongos> db.beeps.find({ "_id" : ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd")}).explain() { "clusteredType" : "ParallelSort", "shards" : { "db_0/AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000,AlexMMSADemo-1.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000,AlexMMSADemo-2.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000" : [ { "cursor" : "IDCursor", "n" : 1, "nscannedObjects" : 1, "nscanned" : 1, "indexOnly" : false, "millis" : 0, "indexBounds" : { "_id" : [ [ ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd"), ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd") ] ] }, "server" : "AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768:27000" } ] }, "cursor" : "IDCursor", "n" : 1, "nscanned" : 1, "nscannedObjects" : 1, "millisShardTotal" : 0, "millisShardAvg" : 0, "numQueries" : 1, "numShards" : 1, "indexBounds" : { "_id" : [ [ ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd"), ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd") ] ] }, "millis" : 0 } mongos> sh.status() --- Sharding Status --- sharding version: { "_id" : 1, "version" : 4, "minCompatibleVersion" : 4, "currentVersion" : 5, "clusterId" : ObjectId("5463abcdd77c8abb282138a4") } shards: { "_id" : "db_0", "host" : "db_0/AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000,AlexMMSADemo-1.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000,AlexMMSADemo-2.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000" } { "_id" : "db_1", "host" : "db_1/AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27001,AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27002,AlexMMSADemo-1.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27001" } databases: { "_id" : "admin", "partitioned" : false, "primary" : "config" } { "_id" : "beep", "partitioned" : true, "primary" : "db_0" } beep.beeps shard key: { "_id" : 1 } chunks: db_0 1 { "_id" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "_id" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : db_0 Timestamp(1, 0)
Remove one replica set node and see that the shard description in the explain() output still has the old node in it:
mongos> sh.status() --- Sharding Status --- sharding version: { "_id" : 1, "version" : 4, "minCompatibleVersion" : 4, "currentVersion" : 5, "clusterId" : ObjectId("5463abcdd77c8abb282138a4") } shards: { "_id" : "db_0", "host" : "db_0/AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000,AlexMMSADemo-1.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000" } { "_id" : "db_1", "host" : "db_1/AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27001,AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27002,AlexMMSADemo-1.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27001" } databases: { "_id" : "admin", "partitioned" : false, "primary" : "config" } { "_id" : "beep", "partitioned" : true, "primary" : "db_0" } beep.beeps shard key: { "_id" : 1 } chunks: db_0 1 { "_id" : { "$minKey" : 1 } } -->> { "_id" : { "$maxKey" : 1 } } on : db_0 Timestamp(1, 0) mongos> db.beeps.find({ "_id" : ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd")}).explain() { "clusteredType" : "ParallelSort", "shards" : { "db_0/AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000,AlexMMSADemo-1.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000,AlexMMSADemo-2.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000" : [ { "cursor" : "IDCursor", "n" : 1, "nscannedObjects" : 1, "nscanned" : 1, "indexOnly" : false, "millis" : 0, "indexBounds" : { "_id" : [ [ ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd"), ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd") ] ] }, "server" : "AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768:27000" } ] }, "cursor" : "IDCursor", "n" : 1, "nscanned" : 1, "nscannedObjects" : 1, "millisShardTotal" : 0, "millisShardAvg" : 0, "numQueries" : 1, "numShards" : 1, "indexBounds" : { "_id" : [ [ ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd"), ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd") ] ] }, "millis" : 0 }
Wait some time to be sure:
mongos> new Date() ISODate("2014-11-12T18:57:44.499Z") mongos> new Date() ISODate("2014-11-12T18:59:23.038Z") mongos> db.beeps.find({ "_id" : ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd")}).explain() { "clusteredType" : "ParallelSort", "shards" : { "db_0/AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000,AlexMMSADemo-1.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000,AlexMMSADemo-2.mralex.9768.mongodbdns.com:27000" : [ { "cursor" : "IDCursor", "n" : 1, "nscannedObjects" : 1, "nscanned" : 1, "indexOnly" : false, "millis" : 0, "indexBounds" : { "_id" : [ [ ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd"), ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd") ] ] }, "server" : "AlexMMSADemo-0.mralex.9768:27000" } ] }, "cursor" : "IDCursor", "n" : 1, "nscanned" : 1, "nscannedObjects" : 1, "millisShardTotal" : 0, "millisShardAvg" : 0, "numQueries" : 1, "numShards" : 1, "indexBounds" : { "_id" : [ [ ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd"), ObjectId("5463ac6986131a1d5750adcd") ] ] }, "millis" : 0 } mongos>