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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-16552

notablescan breaks replication on mongorestore

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.6.5
    • Component/s: Replication, Tools
    • None
    • ALL
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      create a dump
      restore this dump to a replicateset which has notablescan = true.

      create a dump restore this dump to a replicateset which has notablescan = true.

      We have enable the notablescan feature in our replicaset.
      When we no restore a dump of our data, the secondaries fail when they try to replicate the data from the dump.

      2014-12-15T18:07:38.622+0000 [repl writer worker 1] ERROR: writer worker caught exception:  :: caused by :: 17243 could not get runner { _id: ObjectId('541999130cf27885358c926a') };  :: caused by ::
       error processing query: ns=database.collection limit=0 skip=0
      Tree: _id == ObjectId('541999130cf27885358c926a')
      Sort: {}
      Proj: {}
       No query solutions on: { ts: Timestamp 1418666858000|2, h: -5089338154521627339, v: 2, op: "i", ns: "database.collection", o: { _id: ObjectId('541999130cf27885358c926a'), field = "value" } }
      2014-12-15T18:07:38.622+0000 [repl writer worker 1] Fatal Assertion 18692

      The secondaries fail everytime we start them again, since the retry the operation.
      We need to disable notablescan = false to restore the dump.
      After we have finished the resotre we can set notablescan = true again and no errors occur.

            ramon.fernandez@mongodb.com Ramon Fernandez Marina
            steffen Steffen
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