• Type: Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Critical - P2 Critical - P2
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.4.10, 2.4.11
    • Component/s: Sharding
    • Labels:

      Mongodb have 2 shards, which both are replica sets. After I switched replica sets to new nodes, as add new members and remove old members. Then I migrate all config servers to 3 new server with the same hostname of each. And balancer not work now.
      Mongodb clusters = 18 x mongos + 2 x shards ( replica sets ) + 3 x configs

      mongod/mongos/mongo config server version are 2.4.11

      Start mongos:

      mongos> sh.getBalancerState()
      mongos> sh.startBalancer()
      assert.soon failed: function (){
              var lock = db.getSisterDB( "config" ).locks.findOne({ _id : lockId })
              if( state == false ) return ! lock || lock.state == 0
              if( state == true ) return lock && lock.state == 2
              if( state == undefined ) return (beginTS == undefined && lock) ||
                                              (beginTS != undefined && ( !lock || lock.ts + "" != beginTS + "" ) )
              else return lock && lock.state == state
          }, msg:Waited too long for lock balancer to change to state undefined
      Error: Printing Stack Trace
          at printStackTrace (src/mongo/shell/utils.js:37:15)
          at doassert (src/mongo/shell/assert.js:6:5)
          at Function.assert.soon (src/mongo/shell/assert.js:110:60)
          at Function.sh.waitForDLock (src/mongo/shell/utils_sh.js:156:12)
          at Function.sh.waitForBalancer (src/mongo/shell/utils_sh.js:250:12)
          at Function.sh.startBalancer (src/mongo/shell/utils_sh.js:131:8)
          at (shell):1:4
      Sat Oct 11 00:30:46.841 assert.soon failed: function (){
              var lock = db.getSisterDB( "config" ).locks.findOne({ _id : lockId })
              if( state == false ) return ! lock || lock.state == 0
              if( state == true ) return lock && lock.state == 2
              if( state == undefined ) return (beginTS == undefined && lock) ||
                                              (beginTS != undefined && ( !lock || lock.ts + "" != beginTS + "" ) )
              else return lock && lock.state == state
          }, msg:Waited too long for lock balancer to change to state undefined at src/mongo/shell/assert.js:7
      mongos> sh.getBalancerState()

      but balancer not work:

      mongos> sh._lastMigration()
      	"_id" : "np1-2014-09-13T17:03:27-541478df0ef1637eaeaee578",
      	"server" : "np1",
      	"clientAddr" : "",
      	"time" : ISODate("2014-09-13T17:03:27.697Z"),
      	"what" : "moveChunk.from",
      	"ns" : "wnkyjknp2ahihwx5p9xwcjdtosnuvo4n8z2n43tmbe4v875r.PlayerData",
      	"details" : {
      		"min" : {
      			"deviceId" : "8859ABE4-5CAA-460F-BC8F-3EC00B4D3124"
      		"max" : {
      			"deviceId" : "8895206B-F8BD-4EB2-AE84-2401B3BA0BC0"
      		"step1 of 6" : 0,
      		"step2 of 6" : 256,
      		"step3 of 6" : 5955,
      		"step4 of 6" : 26640,
      		"step5 of 6" : 1357,
      		"step6 of 6" : 0

      balancer configs:

      mongos> db.settings.find()
      { "_id" : "chunksize", "value" : 64 }
      { "_id" : "balancer", "activeWindow" : { "start" : "1:00", "stop" : "5:00" }, "stopped" : false }

      And some other info

      mongos> db.locks.find( { _id : "balancer" } ).pretty()
              "_id" : "balancer",
              "process" : "app1:27020:1418872912:1804289383",
              "state" : 0,
              "ts" : ObjectId("54aeefd05d996bd55e5ba6d4"),
              "when" : ISODate("2015-01-08T21:00:00.485Z"),
              "who" : "app1:27020:1418872912:1804289383:Balancer:846930886",
              "why" : "doing balance round"

      and log of mongos@app1 at that time, and server local timezone is GMT+8

      Fri Jan  9 01:02:29.998 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/app1:27020:1418872912:1804289383' acquired, ts : 54aeb8255d996bd55e5ba2b7
      Fri Jan  9 01:02:30.271 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/app1:27020:1418872912:1804289383' unlocked. 
      Fri Jan  9 01:02:48.465 [Balancer] warning: distributed lock 'balancer/app1:27020:1418872912:1804289383 did not propagate properly. :: caused by :: 8017 update not consistent  ns: config.locks query: { _id: "balancer", state: 0, ts: ObjectId('54aeb837a3c711e134a45a99') } update: { $set: { state: 1, who: "app1:27020:1418872912:1804289383:Balancer:846930886", process: "app1:27020:1418872912:1804289383", when: new Date(1420736568376), why: "doing balance round", ts: ObjectId('54aeb8385d996bd55e5ba2b8') } } gle1: { updatedExisting: true, n: 1, lastOp: Timestamp 1420736568000|6, connectionId: 2525, waited: 13, err: null, ok: 1.0 } gle2: { updatedExisting: false, n: 0, lastOp: Timestamp 1420736550000|3, connectionId: 6503, waited: 1, err: null, ok: 1.0 }
      Fri Jan  9 01:02:48.469 [Balancer] lock update won, completing lock propagation for 'balancer/app1:27020:1418872912:1804289383'
      Fri Jan  9 01:02:48.534 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/app1:27020:1418872912:1804289383' acquired, ts : 54aeb8385d996bd55e5ba2b8
      Fri Jan  9 01:02:48.808 [Balancer] distributed lock 'balancer/app1:27020:1418872912:1804289383' unlocked.

      And I do dbHash on all mongoconfig servers

      # server 1
      configsvr> db.runCommand({dbHash:1})
              "numCollections" : 13,
              "host" : "mgcfg1:27019",
              "collections" : {
                      "changelog" : "375ecc22738a993cd372979de468318c",
                      "chunks" : "7c226ccb8703980fb2435af7752fab6b",
                      "collections" : "e8b0c16d75a6eadec3298e452f5107a7",
                      "databases" : "ef13a57ab08f66b4b5c424ce80382a79",
                      "lockpings" : "e9a28df83cfefcf4a85b18b43427cd91",
                      "locks" : "84c4b019ffbee93a834a510d61f993ff",
                      "mongos" : "0b6d8e7277be46909e413c411b257741",
                      "settings" : "d4d9768de4d9c3b5168bbab7681201c1",
                      "shards" : "24c99c3de50fd10349ec93df4ed5e3fa",
                      "tags" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                      "version" : "f53c462a5f204958b665e49f27da5a14"
              "md5" : "51bf3433e738fbb7a049e6b6337dd48e",
              "timeMillis" : 0,
              "fromCache" : [
              "ok" : 1
      # server2
      configsvr> db.runCommand({dbHash:1})
              "numCollections" : 13,
              "host" : "mgcfg2:27019",
              "collections" : {
                      "changelog" : "375ecc22738a993cd372979de468318c",
                      "chunks" : "7c226ccb8703980fb2435af7752fab6b",
                      "collections" : "e8b0c16d75a6eadec3298e452f5107a7",
                      "databases" : "ef13a57ab08f66b4b5c424ce80382a79",
                      "lockpings" : "8f0240a565553a35152e3ad5ce1bad36",
                      "locks" : "84c4b019ffbee93a834a510d61f993ff",
                      "mongos" : "e63914c568c08ea4dd1261e71cf1e125",
                      "settings" : "d4d9768de4d9c3b5168bbab7681201c1",
                      "shards" : "24c99c3de50fd10349ec93df4ed5e3fa",
                      "tags" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                      "version" : "f53c462a5f204958b665e49f27da5a14"
              "md5" : "5201c1a258315e583dbcbfc04d99f5d2",
              "timeMillis" : 0,
              "fromCache" : [
              "ok" : 1
      # server 3
      configsvr> db.runCommand({dbHash:1})
              "numCollections" : 13,
              "host" : "mgcfg3:27019",
              "collections" : {
                      "changelog" : "375ecc22738a993cd372979de468318c",
                      "chunks" : "7c226ccb8703980fb2435af7752fab6b",
                      "collections" : "e8b0c16d75a6eadec3298e452f5107a7",
                      "databases" : "ef13a57ab08f66b4b5c424ce80382a79",
                      "lockpings" : "26e5c9c4bf4a3cb541e42fb10e6f7bec",
                      "locks" : "84c4b019ffbee93a834a510d61f993ff",
                      "mongos" : "f3410089e23f3c9dde90db27427f9260",
                      "settings" : "d4d9768de4d9c3b5168bbab7681201c1",
                      "shards" : "24c99c3de50fd10349ec93df4ed5e3fa",
                      "tags" : "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
                      "version" : "f53c462a5f204958b665e49f27da5a14"
              "md5" : "e6f192b490340f5562efa423049607f8",
              "timeMillis" : 0,
              "fromCache" : [
              "ok" : 1

      I have attached collections mongos and lockpings as attachments if that would helps.

      I don't know where goes wrong and how to fix it, any reply will be appreciated.

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            wujiangcheng Jiangcheng Wu
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