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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-17474

Mongos doesn't see new sharded collection

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 2.6.5
    • Component/s: Sharding
    • None
    • Sharding
    • ALL

      I have sharded cluster and several mongos instances connected to it.
      After significant growth of one of the non-sharded collection on initial shard, it was sharded with key {_id: 1}, splitted to dozens of chunks and completely moved by sh.moveChunk() from initial shard.

      After that, half of mongos instances began to see whole collection as sharded, but some mongos still thinks, than collection is not sharded and is empty.

      'good' mongos:

      root@mpfs1h:~# mongo mpfs
      MongoDB shell version: 2.6.5
      connecting to: mpfs
      mpfs(obj: 14160349610; size: 12740/13085/18850 Gb)> db.deleted_preview_mids.count()
      mpfs(obj: 14160350020; size: 12740/13085/18850 Gb)> db.deleted_preview_mids.stats()
              "sharded" : true,
              "systemFlags" : 1,
              "userFlags" : 1,
              "ns" : "mpfs.deleted_preview_mids",
              "count" : 49215252,
              "numExtents" : 150,
              "size" : 11811660480,
              "storageSize" : 14662729728,
              "totalIndexSize" : 3586108064,
              "indexSizes" : {
                      "_id_" : 3586108064
              "avgObjSize" : 240,
              "nindexes" : 1,
              "nchunks" : 66,
              "shards" : {
                      "see full doc here" : "http://pastebin.com/uk8jDLxh"
              "ok" : 1

      'bad' mongos:

      root@mpfs1g:~# mongo mpfs
      MongoDB shell version: 2.6.5
      connecting to: mpfs
      mpfs(obj: 14160106632; size: 12740/13085/18850 Gb)> db.deleted_preview_mids.find()
      mpfs(obj: 14160114836; size: 12740/13085/18850 Gb)> db.deleted_preview_mids.count()
      mpfs(obj: 14160116026; size: 12740/13085/18850 Gb)> db.deleted_preview_mids.stats()
              "sharded" : false,
              "primary" : "disk1",
              "ns" : "mpfs.deleted_preview_mids",
              "count" : 0,
              "size" : 0,
              "storageSize" : 2140639232,
              "numExtents" : 20,
              "nindexes" : 1,
              "lastExtentSize" : 560488448,
              "paddingFactor" : 1,
              "systemFlags" : 1,
              "userFlags" : 1,
              "totalIndexSize" : 8176,
              "indexSizes" : {
                      "_id_" : 8176
              "ok" : 1,
              "$gleStats" : {
                      "lastOpTime" : Timestamp(1425537763, 69),
                      "electionId" : ObjectId("54f60db899569dad97618eb1")
      mpfs(obj: 14160439248; size: 12740/13085/18850 Gb)> use config
      switched to db config
      config(obj: 252371; size: 0/0/0 Gb)> db.chunks.find({ns: 'mpfs.deleted_preview_mids'}).count()

      After 'bad' mongos restart, everything becomes OK.

            backlog-server-sharding [DO NOT USE] Backlog - Sharding Team
            miga Migalin Danila
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
