Resolution: Done
Critical - P2
Affects Version/s: 3.0.0
Component/s: WiredTiger
Fully Compatible
collections=1000 threads=1 function checkpoint { echo checkpointing mongo --quiet --eval "printjson(db.adminCommand({fsync:1}))" } function setup { killall -w mongod rm -rf db; mkdir -p db mongod --dbpath db --logpath db.log --fork --storageEngine wiredTiger sleep 2 echo initializing $collections collections mongo --quiet --eval " for (var i=0; i<$collections; i++) db['c'+i].insert({}) " checkpoint } function repro { ( for t in $(seq 0 $[$threads-1]); do echo inserting $t mongo --quiet --eval " for (var i=$t; i<$collections; i+=$threads) db['c'+i].insert({}) " & done wait echo finished inserts ) & checkpoint & wait echo finished parallel checkpoint checkpoint echo finished sequential checkpoint } function check { echo checking mongo --quiet --eval " for (var i=0; i<$collections; i++) { try { c = db['c'+i] n_id = c.find().hint({_id:1}).itcount() n_c = c.find().hint({\$natural:1}).itcount() if (n_id != n_c) print(i, n_c, n_id, 'OOPS') } catch (e) { print(i, e) } } " } setup while true; do repro echo stopping killall -w mongod echo starting mongod --dbpath db --logpath db.log --logappend --fork --storageEngine wiredTiger sleep 2 check done
Produces following errors from app on second time through the loop:
27 Error: error: { "$err" : "Didn't find RecordId in WiredTigerRecordStore", "code" : 28556 } 28 Error: error: { "$err" : "Didn't find RecordId in WiredTigerRecordStore", "code" : 28556 } 29 Error: error: { "$err" : "Didn't find RecordId in WiredTigerRecordStore", "code" : 28556 } 30 Error: error: { "$err" : "Didn't find RecordId in WiredTigerRecordStore", "code" : 28556 } 31 Error: error: { "$err" : "Didn't find RecordId in WiredTigerRecordStore", "code" : 28556 } 32 Error: error: { "$err" : "Didn't find RecordId in WiredTigerRecordStore", "code" : 28556 } 33 Error: error: { "$err" : "Didn't find RecordId in WiredTigerRecordStore", "code" : 28556 } ...
And the following in the mongod log:
2015-03-07T12:53:31.671-0500 E STORAGE WiredTiger (0) [1425750811:671913][9925:0x7f3a93725700], eviction-server: cache server: exiting with 420 pages in memory and 416 pages evicted 2015-03-07T12:53:31.671-0500 E STORAGE WiredTiger (0) [1425750811:671962][9925:0x7f3a93725700], eviction-server: cache server: exiting with 1640 bytes in memory 2015-03-07T12:53:31.671-0500 E STORAGE WiredTiger (0) [1425750811:671976][9925:0x7f3a93725700], eviction-server: cache server: exiting with 1058 bytes dirty and 2 pages dirty
2015-03-07T12:53:35.799-0500 I - [conn1] Assertion: 28556:Didn't find RecordId in WiredTigerRecordStore
- is duplicated by
SERVER-18006 Shard replicas crash after 3.0.2 upgrade with "Didn't find RecordId in WiredTigerRecordStore"
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-17510 "Didn't find RecordId in WiredTigerRecordStore" on collections after an idle period
- Closed