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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-17835

Aggregation geoNear deprecated uniqueDocs warning

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      1) prepare collection (mydb)


      2) insert sample doc into "timezone" collection

      curl -sSL https://gist.github.com/jaymecd/71224330eaf6bfbb5676/raw/tzdoc.json | mongoimport -d mydb -c timezone --upsert

      3) run command w/o uniqueDocs - see warning

      db.timezone.aggregate([ { $geoNear: { near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -84.198026746273, 39.89626511522 ] }, spherical: true, maxDistance: 50002, distanceField: "dist" } }, { $limit: 2 }, { $sort: { pos: 1, dist: 1 } }, { $match: { pos: 1 } }, { $project: { _id: 0, iso: "$cco" } }, { $limit: 1 } ]);

      4) check logs and find warning

      2015-04-01T11:21:15.344+0000 [conn72] warning: mydb.timezone: ignoring deprecated uniqueDocs option in geoNear command
      1) prepare collection (mydb) db.timezone.ensureIndex({ 'shp' : '2dsphere' }) 2) insert sample doc into "timezone" collection curl -sSL https: //gist.github.com/jaymecd/71224330eaf6bfbb5676/raw/tzdoc.json | mongoimport -d mydb -c timezone --upsert 3) run command w/o uniqueDocs - see warning db.timezone.aggregate([ { $geoNear: { near: { type: "Point" , coordinates: [ -84.198026746273, 39.89626511522 ] }, spherical: true , maxDistance: 50002, distanceField: "dist" } }, { $limit: 2 }, { $sort: { pos: 1, dist: 1 } }, { $match: { pos: 1 } }, { $project: { _id: 0, iso: "$cco" } }, { $limit: 1 } ]); 4) check logs and find warning 2015-04-01T11:21:15.344+0000 [conn72] warning: mydb.timezone: ignoring deprecated uniqueDocs option in geoNear command

      $geoNear pipeline within aggregate command always logs a warning about deprecated option "uniqueDocs" (see below), even if that option has never been set or used.


      warning: mydb.timezone: ignoring deprecated uniqueDocs option in geoNear command

      As I get right, aggregation command calls first GeoNear command with always set "uniqueDocs" option.

      See https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/blob/r2.6.9/src/mongo/db/pipeline/document_source_geo_near.cpp#L139

            sam.kleinman Sam Kleinman (Inactive)
            nikolai@cluelist.com Nikolai Zujev
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
