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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-18801

multi_host_query_test suite is non-deterministic

    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • Sharding 4 06/05/15
    • 0

      The 'ThreeHostsOneHang' test from the multi_host_query_test suite is non deterministic, because it relies on operations to take an exact amount of time. This causes it to fail occasionally on slower machines.

      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:31.055-0400 I NETWORK  getaddrinfo("$hostB") failed: Name or service not known
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:31.055-0400 I -        	 going to run test: TwoHostsOneHangOneError
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:31.083-0400 I NETWORK  getaddrinfo("$timestepHost") failed: Name or service not known
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:31.083-0400 I -        	 going to run test: ThreeHostsOneHang
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:31.111-0400 I NETWORK  getaddrinfo("$hostC") failed: Name or service not known
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:31.111-0400 I NETWORK  getaddrinfo("$hostB") failed: Name or service not known
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:31.112-0400 I -        FAIL: ThreeHostsOneHang	Expected result.getValue()->originalHost() == hostC.toString() ($hostB:1000 == $hostC:1000) @src/mongo/s/client/multi_host_query_test.cpp:656
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:31.112-0400 I -        	 going to run test: ThreeHostsTwoErrors
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:31.112-0400 I NETWORK  getaddrinfo("$timestepHost") failed: Name or service not known
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:32.112-0400 I -        	 going to run test: ThreeHostsOneHangOneError
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:32.112-0400 I NETWORK  getaddrinfo("$hostC") failed: Name or service not known
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:32.112-0400 I -        	 going to run test: TwoHostsOneHangUnscoped
      [cpp_unit_test:sharding_client_test] 2015-05-14T14:38:32.112-0400 I NETWORK  getaddrinfo("$hostB") failed: Name or service not known

            kaloian.manassiev@mongodb.com Kaloian Manassiev
            kaloian.manassiev@mongodb.com Kaloian Manassiev
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