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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-20601

System unusuable during mongodump from WiredTiger

    • ALL
      • Run mongodump
      • Try to use mongodb backed system while mongodump running
      • Observe unresponsive queries


      We just moved our production system from MMAP to WiredTiger, and are generally seeing extremely poor performance.

      • Very high CPU usage on low-medium loads (often all CPU cores pegged at 100%)
      • Long delays in read queries (presumably because CPU-bound performance)
      • Individual CPU cores pegged at 100% randomly, even when there is no activity according to db.currentOp()

      I thought that maybe this was something specific to our workload that might be causing problems. I was going to change some of the read-intensive collections from snappy compression, to no compression, to see if that improved things at all, however today I came across the mongodump issue, which is a show stopper for us (as we use mongodump for live backups).


      In a nutshell: When mongodump is running, all application queries to the db seem to be blocked.

      (It's also worth noting that mongodump takes a lot longer to run on WT, which though not a major problem, does compound the issue).

            david.hows David Hows
            bgsosh@gmail.com Scott Lowe
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