While upgrading our replica set from MongoDB 2.6.8 to 3.0.6, I received the below error. I also tried 3.0.7 today and still received the error. I originally received the error about 10 minutes after upgrading a secondary. I then restarted it and the error occurred about 1 hour later. I then played the restart game for a few more hours and it seemed to keep happening. I ended up performing a db.repairDatabase() on the high volume databases on that server and I thought it fixed the issue - it ran for about 24 hours without a crash. However, today, after updating the binaries from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7 I did receive the error again after running for less than one minute.
I had also tried 3.0.6 on the other secondary, and deleted its data to let it just replicate over, thinking it was a data format issue (since the repair appeared to have helped). However either during the final index build or while catching up with replication, it had the error again.
We are running on Win 2012 R2 on AWS. Our secondaries have 32GB of RAM. We have been using this production DB for a few years now. I currently have the system split between 2.6.8 and 3.0.7 as completing the upgrade puts us at risk of crashing.
Error from a MongoDB 3.0.7 secondary, about 20 seconds after launching it:
2015-10-14T15:36:04.990+0000 I CONTROL [durability] MapViewOfFileEx for d:/mongo/troidb2.79 failed with error errno:487 Attempt to access invalid address. (file size is 2146435072) in MemoryMappedFile::remapPrivateView 2015-10-14T15:36:04.990+0000 I ACCESS [conn2239] Successfully authenticated as principal mongodev on troidb2 2015-10-14T15:36:04.990+0000 I - [durability] Fatal Assertion 16148 2015-10-14T15:36:05.573+0000 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from #2395 (561 connections now open) 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\util\stacktrace_win.cpp(175) mongo::printStackTrace+0x43 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\util\log.cpp(134) mongo::logContext+0x97 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I NETWORK [conn2395] end connection (560 connections now open) 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\util\assert_util.cpp(166) mongo::fassertFailed+0x80 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\util\mmap_win.cpp(425) mongo::MemoryMappedFile::remapPrivateView+0x327 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\db\storage\mmap_v1\durable_mapped_file.cpp(76) mongo::DurableMappedFile::remapThePrivateView+0x2a 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I NETWORK [conn2394] end connection (559 connections now open) 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\db\storage\mmap_v1\dur.cpp(388) mongo::dur::`anonymous namespace'::remapPrivateViewImpl+0x1e8 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\db\storage\mmap_v1\dur.cpp(639) mongo::dur::remapPrivateView+0x69 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\db\storage\mmap_v1\dur.cpp(826) mongo::dur::durThread+0x797 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\third_party\boost\libs\thread\src\win32\thread.cpp(185) boost::`anonymous namespace'::thread_start_function+0x21 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] MSVCR120.dll beginthreadex+0x107 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] MSVCR120.dll endthreadex+0x192 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+0x1a 2015-10-14T15:36:05.579+0000 I CONTROL [durability] 2015-10-14T15:36:05.580+0000 I - [durability] ***aborting after fassert() failure
Error from a MongoDB 3.0.6 secondary performing an inital sync (about 9 hours in):
2015-10-14T09:08:47.910+0000 I CONTROL [durability] MapViewOfFileEx for d:/mongo/DBNamehidden.27 failed with error errno:487 Attempt to access invalid address. (file size is 2146435072) in MemoryMappedFile::remapPrivateView 2015-10-14T09:08:47.910+0000 I - [durability] Fatal Assertion 16148 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\util\stacktrace_win.cpp(175) mongo::printStackTrace+0x43 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\util\log.cpp(134) mongo::logContext+0x97 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\util\assert_util.cpp(166) mongo::fassertFailed+0x80 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\util\mmap_win.cpp(425) mongo::MemoryMappedFile::remapPrivateView+0x327 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\db\storage\mmap_v1\durable_mapped_file.cpp(76) mongo::DurableMappedFile::remapThePrivateView+0x2a 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\db\storage\mmap_v1\dur.cpp(388) mongo::dur::`anonymous namespace'::remapPrivateViewImpl+0x1e8 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\db\storage\mmap_v1\dur.cpp(639) mongo::dur::remapPrivateView+0x69 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\mongo\db\storage\mmap_v1\dur.cpp(826) mongo::dur::durThread+0x797 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] mongod.exe ...\src\third_party\boost\libs\thread\src\win32\thread.cpp(185) boost::`anonymous namespace'::thread_start_function+0x21 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] MSVCR120.dll beginthreadex+0x107 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] MSVCR120.dll endthreadex+0x192 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk+0x1a 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I CONTROL [durability] 2015-10-14T09:08:51.876+0000 I - [durability] ***aborting after fassert() failure
- related to
SERVER-23977 Failure of MapViewOfFileEx in MemoryMappedFile::remapPrivateView with "errno:487 Attempt to access invalid address"
- Closed