Resolution: Duplicate
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: Replication
mongoD slowms logging includes time spent waiting for writeConcern fulfillment. It does not currently split out the time spent executing the write locally vs. time spent waiting for replication when w >= 2. We should provide the write concern wait time separately to allow for easier diagnosis when slow.
The following is an example of an insert that spent 1000ms waiting for write concern acknowledgement (before timing out).
2015-12-01T09:22:10.529-0500 d20011| 2015-12-01T09:22:10.529-0500 I COMMAND [conn1] command test.foo command: insert { insert: "foo", documents: [ { a: 1.0 } ], writeConcern: { w: 3.0, wtimeout: 1000.0 } } ntoreturn:1 ntoskip:0 ninserted:1 keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 reslen:190 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 4, w: 4 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { w: 3, W: 1 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { W: 1 } }, Metadata: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } }, oplog: { acquireCount: { w: 2 } } } protocol:op_command 1041ms
- duplicates
SERVER-18067 Add the time spent waiting for write concern in the command log line
- Closed