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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-21961

Get rid of the annoying error message in post-step for perf.yml & system_perf.yml

    • Fully Compatible
    • Performance E (01/11/16)

      When we introduced the "compare" step in the performance projects in Evergreen, the ratio calculated was put in perf.json file in the /src directory of the machines running that script. We then waited for the post-step in the yml file to send that result to Evergreen.

      This causes an annoying error message to show up for the non-compare tasks. Here is an example of that message from a mongo-perf test.

       [2015/12/03 13:22:48.292] Running post-task commands.
       [2015/12/03 13:22:48.292] Running command 'json.send' (step 1 of 4)
       [2015/12/03 13:22:48.292] ['json.send'] Sending json data failed: Couldn't open json file: 'open /data/mci/src/perf.json: no such file or directory'
       [2015/12/03 13:22:48.292] Command failed: Couldn't open json file: 'open /data/mci/src/perf.json: no such file or directory'

      In PERF-288, I am making the compare.py script to only put out the ratios and not making decision on pass/fail. We can put the json.send in the "compare" tasks now instead of in the post-step.

            chung-yen.chang Chung-yen Chang (Inactive)
            chung-yen.chang Chung-yen Chang (Inactive)
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