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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-22167

Failed to insert document larger than 256k

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      Use node.js MongoDB driver cannot reproduce the problem. It seems use bulkwrite works fine.

      With POCO MongoDB connector to insert a document larger than 256k can reproduce the problem.

      Use node.js MongoDB driver cannot reproduce the problem. It seems use bulkwrite works fine. With POCO MongoDB connector to insert a document larger than 256k can reproduce the problem.
    • Integration 10 (02/22/16)


      Collection::insertDocument got document without _id for ns...

      We are using POCO MongoDB connector to write/read MongoDB.

      It works fine 2.x, 3.0 and 3.1 version. But failed to insert large document above 256k from MongoDB 3.2 version.

      The problem we found is because mongo does not generate index ID so the exception happened in Collection::insertDocuments:

      for (auto it = begin; it != end; it++) {
              if (hasIdIndex && (*it)["_id"].eoo()) {
                  return Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                                str::stream() << "Collection::insertDocument got "
                                                 "document without _id for ns:" << _ns.ns());
              auto status = checkValidation(txn, *it);
              if (!status.isOK())
                  return status;

      From debugging we found the insert process in insertMulti function go directly to insertMultiSingletons which use insertDocument without generating index ID. It seems not right. Only document larger than 256K has the problem because insertVectorMaxBytes is 256k.

      I have attached a test file written by POCO C++ to replicate this problem.

        1. bigdoc.cpp
          1 kB
          Ming Li

            martin.bligh Martin Bligh
            mli Ming Li
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