Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: Testing Infrastructure
Fully Compatible
TIG 10 (02/19/16)
Further ESLint rules to enable:
- no-cond-assign
- no-console
- no-control-regex
- no-debugger
- no-div-regex
- no-dupe-args
- no-dupe-keys
- no-duplicate-case
- no-empty-character-class
- no-empty-label
- no-empty-pattern
- no-ex-assign
- no-extra-boolean-cast
- no-fallthrough
- no-func-assign
- no-invalid-regexp
- no-negated-in-lhs
- no-obj-calls
- no-octal
- no-regex-spaces
- no-return-assign
- no-script-url
- no-self-compare
- no-sequences
- no-sparse-arrays
- no-unexpected-multiline
- no-unreachable
- no-useless-call
no-useless-concat(required to fit code under 100 columns)- no-with
- use-isnan
- valid-typeof
- is related to
SERVER-22539 Add an ESLint configuration file
- Closed