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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-26588

Sync token for mongod logs

    • Replication

      If would be helpful if we could rely on a piece of information from the mongod logs to synchronize the information in a common timeline.
      Sometimes the logs have:

      • no timezone information
      • clock drift between hosts

      which makes it difficult.

      One possibility would be to use a unique token or an information from a heartbeat and have the 2 hosts log this info in there corresponding logs. Searching for the string, in both logs, would give you a synchronization point.
      For example:

      • host A records a time and a unique ID
      • host A sends the info to host B (may already be available through the heartbeat)
      • host A logs the info (the recorded time would be different than the log time, however we care about the first one)
      • host B logs the info received, with its own timestamp
      • host A or B would add the perceived latency it knows about the other host.

      This token should only be needed once per couple of hosts at a frequency of once per hour, or once per day, or once per log file.

            backlog-server-repl [DO NOT USE] Backlog - Replication Team
            daniel.coupal@mongodb.com Daniel Coupal
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
