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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-30283

PingStats::hit() should not set _numFailuresSinceLastStart to integer max

    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • v3.6, v3.4
    • 46

      PingStats, defined in ToplogyCoordinatorImpl, is a data structure used to track statistics about replication heartbeat messages. It has a variable called _numFailuresSinceLastStart, which keeps track of failed heartbeat attempts. When a good heartbeat response comes back, this variable is set to std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), presumably as an easy way for this value to always be larger than others in certain comparisons. In the case that we actually get back a good heartbeat response (PingStats::hit) and then a failed heartbeat from the same node (PingStats::miss), we will actually overflow this _numFailuresSinceLastStart variable. We should not use the integer max as a way to determine that we received a good heartbeat response. Creating a separate field in PingStats to explicitly track this would probably be a simple approach.

            william.schultz@mongodb.com William Schultz
            william.schultz@mongodb.com William Schultz
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