In our deployment I add the <mongodb install folder>\bin folder to the System PATH environment variable to save having to change to the MongoDB folder everytime I need to use commandline tools like mongo and mongodump. When I run "mongod --install..." from a working directory anywhere but the bin folder, the installer defaults to configuring the image path of the service in the registry to "C:\windows\system32\mongod.exe" and therefore the service won't start. It's easy to fix afterwards in the registry, or to run the installer from the bin directory but the documentation doesn't make this issue clear.
Shouldn't mongod be able to find the path it is installed to and use that for the service configuration.
- is duplicated by
SERVER-6046 --install on Windows uses working directory instead of path to mongod to install Windows service
- Closed
SERVER-3976 Creating the service on Windows gets the path wrong if you don't use a drive letter
- Closed