Resolution: Fixed
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 3.4.5, 3.5.13
Component/s: Aggregation Framework, Diagnostics
Fully Compatible
v4.0, v3.6, v3.4
Query 2018-11-19, Query 2018-12-03
(copied to CRM)
Using the tpch denormalized dataset: http://noexpire.s3.amazonaws.com/sqlproxy/data/tpch_full_denormalized.bson.gz
I run the following aggregation pipeline:
db.setProfilingLevel(2) db.mongo_part.aggregate( [ { "$match" : { "p_suppliers" : { "$elemMatch" : { "ps_s_r_name" : "EUROPE" } } } }, { "$unwind" : { "includeArrayIndex" : "p_suppliers_idx", "path" : "$p_suppliers" } }, { "$match" : { "p_suppliers.ps_s_r_name" : "EUROPE" } }, { "$match" : { "$and" : [ { "p_size" : NumberLong(15) }, { "p_type" : { "$regex" : /^.*BRASS$/i } } ] } }, { "$group" : { "min(mongo_partsupp_DOT_ps_supplycost)" : { "$min" : "$p_suppliers.ps_supplycost" }, "_id" : { "mongo_part_DOT_p_partkey" : "$_id" } } }, { "$project" : { "mongo_part_DOT_p_partkey" : "$_id.mongo_part_DOT_p_partkey", "min(mongo_partsupp_DOT_ps_supplycost)" : "$min(mongo_partsupp_DOT_ps_supplycost)" } }, { "$match" : { "mongo_part_DOT_p_partkey" : { "$ne" : null } } }, { "$lookup" : { "as" : "__joined_mongo_part", "from" : "mongo_part", "localField" : "mongo_part_DOT_p_partkey", "foreignField" : "_id" } }, { "$unwind" : { "path" : "$__joined_mongo_part", "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays" : false } }, { "$match" : { "__joined_mongo_part._id" : { "$ne" : null } } }, { "$lookup" : { "from" : "mongo_part", "localField" : "__joined_mongo_part._id", "foreignField" : "_id", "as" : "__joined_mongo_partsupp" } }, { "$unwind" : { "path" : "$__joined_mongo_partsupp", "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays" : false } }, { "$unwind" : { "path" : "$__joined_mongo_partsupp.p_suppliers", "includeArrayIndex" : "__joined_mongo_partsupp.p_suppliers_idx", "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays" : false } }, { "$addFields" : { "__predicate" : { "$let" : { "vars" : { "predicate" : { "$cond" : [ { "$or" : [ { "$eq" : [ { "$ifNull" : [ "$__joined_mongo_partsupp.p_suppliers.ps_supplycost", null ] }, null ] }, { "$eq" : [ { "$ifNull" : [ "$min(mongo_partsupp_DOT_ps_supplycost)", null ] }, null ] } ] }, null, { "$eq" : [ "$__joined_mongo_partsupp.p_suppliers.ps_supplycost", "$min(mongo_partsupp_DOT_ps_supplycost)" ] } ] } }, "in" : { "$cond" : [ { "$or" : [ { "$eq" : [ "$$predicate", false ] }, { "$eq" : [ "$$predicate", 0 ] }, { "$eq" : [ "$$predicate", "0" ] }, { "$eq" : [ "$$predicate", "-0" ] }, { "$eq" : [ "$$predicate", "0.0" ] }, { "$eq" : [ "$$predicate", "-0.0" ] }, { "$eq" : [ "$$predicate", null ] } ] }, false, true ] } } } } }, { "$match" : { "__predicate" : true } }, { "$match" : { "__joined_mongo_partsupp.p_suppliers.ps_suppkey" : { "$ne" : null } } }, { "$lookup" : { "from" : "mongo_supplier", "localField" : "__joined_mongo_partsupp.p_suppliers.ps_suppkey", "foreignField" : "_id", "as" : "__joined_mongo_supplier" } }, { "$unwind" : { "path" : "$__joined_mongo_supplier", "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays" : false } }, { "$project" : { "mongo_partsupp_DOT_ps_suppkey" : "$__joined_mongo_partsupp.p_suppliers.ps_suppkey", "mongo_supplier_DOT_s_comment" : "$__joined_mongo_supplier.s_comment", "mongo_supplier_DOT_s_n_name" : "$__joined_mongo_supplier.s_n_name", "mongo_part_DOT_p_mfgr" : "$__joined_mongo_part.p_mfgr", "mongo_part_DOT_p_partkey" : "$__joined_mongo_part._id", "mongo_supplier_DOT_s_address" : "$__joined_mongo_supplier.s_address", "mongo_supplier_DOT_s_name" : "$__joined_mongo_supplier.s_name", "mongo_supplier_DOT_s_phone" : "$__joined_mongo_supplier.s_phone", "mongo_supplier_DOT_s_acctbal" : "$__joined_mongo_supplier.s_acctbal" } } ] )
The entry in system.profile now contains the wrong ns:
db.system.profile.findOne().ns tpch.mongo_supplier
Note that if the same aggregation is executed against an empty database, it actually does result in the right ns (emptydb.mongo_part) logged in system.profile.
- related to
SERVER-30864 Query from system.profile errors when executed on the same mongod
- Closed