Hi Team,
Thanks for your continuous support !!
*We have a production issue as in , the journal data is not cleared till mongoServer is restarted!! This folder has reached approximately 75GB!!!!
and occupied almost entire Drive !!!!
We would like to here from you that*_,
If MongoDB Server is never restarted , will the binary log data under data/db/journal will not be cleared ?
What is the Max number of journal files or max sixe of journal folder allowed to be created under Journal folder ?
[We undertood from journal file sixe is 100MB]
Reference links
We have gone through the site:*https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/journaling/*
It has mentioned that
+"A clean shutdown removes all the files in the journal directory. A dirty shutdown (crash) leaves files in the journal directory;
these are used to automatically recover the database to a consistent state when the mongod process is restarted"+
Above statement implies that journal folder will keep on growing and never gets cleared ,
until ,
- Mongo server is not restarted or
- One has to perform clean shutdown
Please Clarify and address the above mentioned query
Thanks & Regards
Sandeep KS
- related to
WT-3904 Reconsider error path in log server thread
- Closed