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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-34260

Ability to reuse a single TCP connection from mongod to the LDAP server

    • Fully Compatible
    • v4.0, v3.6
    • Security 2018-12-17, Security 2018-12-31, Security 2019-01-14, Security 2019-01-28

      When enabling LDAP in the typical setting, mongod process is using the three separate TCP connections to the LDAP server(s) for every db.auth() command:
      1. One (or more) connections for the sections in the security.ldap.userToDNMapping option with the ldapQuery predicates
      2. A single connection to authenticate the user by using the bind operation
      3. A single connection to obtain the list of groups for authorization.

      I am wondering if we could create a single TCP connection during the step 1 or 2 and reuse it for the next steps without reestablishing connection every time for the particular thread (==session) in the server?

            jonathan.reams@mongodb.com Jonathan Reams
            andrey.brindeyev@mongodb.com Andrey Brindeyev
            3 Vote for this issue
            141 Start watching this issue
