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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-34488

hang_analyzer.py fails because ptrace protection is not disabled

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Testing Infrastructure
    • None
    • ALL
    • TIG 2018-05-07
    • 19
    • 3

      [2018/04/11 23:57:55.068] Return code: 0 for command ['buildscripts/remote_operations.py', '--verbose', '--userHost', 'ubuntu@', '--sshConnectionOptions', '-i /data/mci/70130a2c6fcea1306c5dce5ebe2ec512/powercycle.pem -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no -o CheckHostIP=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ConnectTimeout=20 -o ConnectionAttempts=20', '--retries', '10', '--commands', 'PATH="/opt/mongodbtoolchain/gdb/bin:$PATH"  /opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/python2 buildscripts/hang_analyzer.py -c -o file -o stdout -p dbtest,java,mongo,mongod,mongos,python,_test -g bsondump,mongodump,mongoexport,mongofiles,mongoimport,mongoreplay,mongorestore,mongostat,mongotop', '--commandDir', '/log/powercycle']
      [2018/04/11 23:57:55.068] Found 1 interesting processes [(2858, 'mongod')]
      [2018/04/11 23:57:55.068] Debugger /opt/mongodbtoolchain/gdb/bin/gdb, analyzing mongod process with PID 2858
      [2018/04/11 23:57:55.068] Dumping core to dump_mongod.2858.core
      [2018/04/11 23:57:55.068] ['/opt/mongodbtoolchain/gdb/bin/gdb', '--quiet', '--nx', '-ex', 'set interactive-mode off', '-ex', 'set print thread-events off', '-ex', 'file mongod', '-ex', 'attach 2858', '-ex', 'info sharedlibrary', '-ex', 'info threads', '-ex', 'set python print-stack full', '-ex', 'echo \\nWriting raw stacks to debugger_mongod_2858_raw_stacks.log.\\n', '-ex', 'set logging redirect on', '-ex', 'set logging file debugger_mongod_2858_raw_stacks.log', '-ex', 'set logging on', '-ex', 'thread apply all bt', '-ex', 'set logging off', '-ex', 'source /log/powercycle/buildscripts/gdb/mongo.py', '-ex', 'source /log/powercycle/buildscripts/gdb/mongo_printers.py', '-ex', 'source /log/powercycle/buildscripts/gdb/mongo_lock.py', '-ex', 'mongodb-uniqstack mongodb-bt-if-active', '-ex', 'set scheduler-locking on', '-ex', 'gcore dump_mongod.2858.core', '-ex', 'mongodb-dump-locks', '-ex', 'mongodb-show-locks', '-ex', 'mongodb-waitsfor-graph debugger_waitsfor_mongod_2858.gv', '-ex', 'mongodb-javascript-stack', '-ex', 'set confirm off', '-ex', 'quit']
      [2018/04/11 23:57:55.068] Reading symbols from mongod...Reading symbols from /log/powercycle/mongod.debug...done.
      [2018/04/11 23:57:55.068] done.
      [2018/04/11 23:57:55.068] Attaching to program: /log/powercycle/mongod, process 2858
      [2018/04/11 23:57:55.068] ptrace: Operation not permitted.

            jonathan.abrahams Jonathan Abrahams (Inactive)
            max.hirschhorn@mongodb.com Max Hirschhorn
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
