Resolution: Works as Designed
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: Storage
Storage Execution
Note: I know that only WT csrs is supported since 3.6, but kaloian.manassiev recommended filing a bug since it causes the server to crash.
If you start and initiate a mmapv1 CSRS on 3.7.5, the secondaries crash with the following fassert:
2018-04-25T11:35:01.441-0400 I REPL [replication-0] Initial Sync Attempt Statistics: { failedInitialSyncAttempts: 9, maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts: 10, initialSyncStart: new Date(1524670402251), initialSyncAttempts: [ { durationMillis: 0, status: "InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync.", syncSource: ":27017" }, { durationMillis: 0, status: "InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync.", syncSource: ":27017" }, { durationMillis: 0, status: "InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync.", syncSource: ":27017" }, { durationMillis: 0, status: "InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync.", syncSource: ":27017" }, { durationMillis: 0, status: "InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync.", syncSource: ":27017" }, { durationMillis: 0, status: "InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync.", syncSource: ":27017" }, { durationMillis: 0, status: "InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync.", syncSource: ":27017" }, { durationMillis: 0, status: "InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync.", syncSource: ":27017" }, { durationMillis: 0, status: "InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync.", syncSource: ":27017" } ] } 2018-04-25T11:35:01.441-0400 E REPL [replication-0] Initial sync attempt failed -- attempts left: 0 cause: InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync. 2018-04-25T11:35:01.442-0400 F REPL [replication-0] The maximum number of retries have been exhausted for initial sync. 2018-04-25T11:35:01.443-0400 I STORAGE [replication-0] Finishing collection drop for local.temp_oplog_buffer (9c32c293-5d0b-491b-921a-6c2b83700ff9). 2018-04-25T11:35:01.444-0400 E REPL [replication-0] Initial sync failed, shutting down now. Restart the server to attempt a new initial sync. 2018-04-25T11:35:01.445-0400 F - [replication-0] Fatal assertion 40088 InitialSyncOplogSourceMissing: No valid sync source found in current replica set to do an initial sync. at src/mongo/db/repl/replication_coordinator_impl.cpp 685 2018-04-25T11:35:01.445-0400 F - [replication-0] ***aborting after fassert() failure
Then, if you try to restart that process after the fassert, you get a different FCV fassert:
2018-04-25T11:47:13.205-0400 F STORAGE [initandlisten] Unable to start up mongod due to missing featureCompatibilityVersion document. 2018-04-25T11:47:13.205-0400 F STORAGE [initandlisten] Please run with --journalOptions 4 to recover the journal. Then run with --repair to restore the document. 2018-04-25T11:47:13.206-0400 F - [initandlisten] Fatal Assertion 40652 at src/mongo/db/repair_database_and_check_version.cpp 527 2018-04-25T11:47:13.206-0400 F - [initandlisten] ***aborting after fassert() failure
Attached the full log files for all 3 members of the csrs.